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The School of Economics organizes a lecture series with the Círculo de Empresarios (Businessmen's Circle).

The University Secretary of the Circle, Antonio Porto, starts this year the partnership, destined to the students of Degree and postgraduate program, on Friday, January 25.

23/01/13 10:21

The School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Navarra is organizing, together with the Businessmen's Circle a series of talks for students of Degree and postgraduate program aimed at instilling in young people the reality of the world of business and entrepreneurship from the beginning of their professional careers.

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Poster of lecture series PHOTO: Documentation

The first talk will take place next Friday, January 25, at classroom M1 of Amigos Building at 4:00 pm. The speaker will be Antonio PortoUniversity Secretary of the Círculo de Empresarios, who has been president of Alstom and director of more than twenty companies, among others ACS, Sevillana de Electricidad, Inespal and Eolia.

Porto will speak about the role of the free business in the framework of the Economics market as an essential factor of economic and social progress, at the service of the common good and for the benefit of those who work in the business , investors, suppliers, customers and consumers.

In this process, the Círculo vindicates the image of the entrepreneur as a creator of wealth and a generator of progress, and contributes with economic policy ideas with the aim of contributing to the welfare of Spanish society as a whole.

The next lecture will be on February 5, at position by Miguel Iraburu, president of committee of SMEs of the Círculo de Empresarios. Iraburu has been president of Azcoyen and board member of companies such as CLH, Ernst&Young, Telecinco, Aertec, Sogecam...

On March 5, it will be the turn of Miguel Canalejo, chairman of Redtel and Nazca Capital, and former chairman of Alcatel and Unión Carbide. He is also a director of companies such as SKF, Marsh, Élogos and Azkoyen.

To close this year's cycle, on April 17, Rocío Hervella, CEO of Prosol and vice-president of association of business Familiar will explain to the students some of the keys to achieve lasting success in companies managed by members of the same family.



