BIC Gipuzkoa organizes a cycle of conference to boost the biotechnology sector
"From Bioscience to Business" was the first workshop featuring Josemaria Siota, executive director IESE Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center; Federico Grego, Venture Builder and co-founder of VB Devices, Allero therapeutics and Cytovation AS; Jesús M. Hernández, consultant independent biotech, former vice-president Eli Lilly and formerdirector CIMA ; and Gloria González, chief scientific officer of Vivet Therapeutics and researcher at CIMA.

The prospects offered by the biotechnology sector in Gipuzkoa are promoting the development of new business projects. With the goal to contribute to the strengthening and consolidation of this sector, BIC Gipuzkoa has organized four conference to share experiences and promote cooperation between different agents. The first one, "From Bioscience to Business", organized together with Tecnun and Innovation Factory, has brought together numerous representatives of the sector to learn about different characteristics and experiences of interest when promoting new business projects, transferring the results of research activity to the market. This initiative has the support of department of Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.
The session "From Bioscience to Business" was organized by BIC Gipuzkoa, Innovation Factory, Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the University of Navarra; and Tecnun, the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra in San Sebastian. The meeting has brought together four relevant experiences from different fields related to the biotechnology industry. At the inauguration of this program of meetings, the director general for Economic Promotion of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Iker Estensoro, underlined the strategic nature of the biosciences sector in Gipuzkoa and the commitment of the Provincial Council to promote its development competitively.
Josemaria Siota, executive director IESEEntrepreneurship and Innovation Center, presented her views on strategies and trends in technology transfer and corporate venturing. He stressed the need to promote partnership between established companies and innovative startups "because there is hidden potential ready to be commercialized". In his opinion, Europe must face the challenge of "taking technology transfer to another level", since, according to the data he offered, 21 of the top 100 research entities in the world are in Europe, but 95% of patents are "inactive".
Federico Grego, with more than 20 years of management experience in the pharmaceutical industry and co-founder of VB Devices, Allero therapeutics and Cytovation AS, spoke about his experience as a 'Venture Builder' when it comes to "helping the entrepreneur to make an investable project ". In his opinion, "large corporations, before investing in a project in this sector, need the filter of market reality. It is not easy to incorporate investors, he pointed out, and that is why startups must have a plan to be able to continue their journey alone".
Jesús M. Hernández, consultant independent biotechnologist, former vice-president Eli Lilly and ex-director CIMA (University of Navarra), spoke at meeting on research basic-applied and transfer to the market. In his opinion, given the characteristics of the sector, it is necessary to "work with a 15-year perspective, anticipating what the market, the skill and the real need for the product we are developing may be like in that time frame".
Gloria González Aseguinolaza, scientific director of Vivet Therapeutics and researcher at CIMA, presented the case of her business from the perspective of a scientist. The keys, in her opinion, are credibility and the need for rigorous, quality science. "These aspects are fundamental to generate confidence in investors, as we need to permanently seek investment for new scientific developments."
Biotechnology sector in Gipuzkoa
The goal of these conference is to share experiences and knowledge and to promote cooperation between different agents in order to promote the economic development and the creation and consolidation of the biotechnology sector in Gipuzkoa.
The following conference will take place between now and May with different approaches: "Aspects core topic in the structuring of a biotech startup: legal and financial perspective"; "Hack your company!!!"; and, finally, on May 7, there will be a session with investors in companies in the biotech sector.
These meetings have the goal to boost the biosciences sector to promote technology transfer and knowledge to the market. For this purpose, different conference have been designed with specific objectives to share knowledge, experiences and networking among the agents of the biosciences sector in Gipuzkoa: startups, universities, CIC, technology centers, companies, agents of the social and health care system, investment funds, etc.