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The Class of 2023 celebrates its passage through the University at the "i de Alumni" event.

The president, María Iraburu, and other alumni welcomed senior students to Alumni.

FotoManuelCastells/Future Alumni in the "i" of Alumni

23 | 03 | 2023

Yesterday took place the fifth edition of the "i de alumni" event aimed at final year students of the University. Under the slogan "One stage ends. Another begins. We continue together", the event conveyed to the students that the University does not end on graduation day, but continues in different ways throughout their professional life.

The event began with a colloquium in which three alumni participated to give advice to the students. Juncal González (ENF'93), coordinator of training in Médicos Sin Fronteras, assured that "without a doubt, it is necessary to continue training during the professional stage" and she especially encouraged to "train in emotional intelligence because we must not forget that we are always going to work for people and for people". In this sense, he emphasized "treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves" and added that "the important thing is not the position you hold, but how you work and what attitude you have in your day-to-day work".

For his part, former student Álvaro Gutiérrez de Cabiedes (COM'08), Principal Manager at BBVA, encouraged the attendees to "forge the illusion of not stopping learning" with the advantage that "when you study while you work, you can immediately apply what you have learned, which is very gratifying". Álvaro encouraged the students saying that "it is not worth getting overwhelmed at all, but it is worth making the maximum effort and fighting for every little goal , with the illusion of wanting to make this a better world". 

Laura Elorza (DER'01), General Manager Human Resources at Garrigues, also took part in colloquium . She said that "all the people who make up an organization are fundamental". She also said that "young people are the future of companies" and that "senior professionals learn a lot from the younger ones". In this sense, she encouraged the students present to "have a lot of initiative and not to take things for granted". Laura also alluded to her perception of the University's graduates: "the alumni of the University of Navarra stand out for the professional ethics they demonstrate when working". She also took the opportunity to give some advice on finding your first employment: "be calm and be yourself because the selection processes are not only about getting to know each other, but also about getting to know the companies because -she added- selecting the first business where you work is important" and encouraged students to "choose places where you can grow professionally and continue training". 

The University's president , María Iraburu (BIO'87 | PhD'92), also participated in the event and conveyed to the students a lot of enthusiasm "to move forward" because "you are very prepared thanks to the excellent work that you have done in these years" and motivated them by saying that "the world is waiting for you". In his speech, he thanked the students because "you are the raison d'être of the University" and added that "what we dream of are the alumni, because we imagine all that they can do thanks to the work well done and the will to improve the world". Finally, he encouraged those present to "feel part of the project of the University of Navarra" because "you are not alone and together we form a great team".

The regional chapters were also present thanks to an online connection with the participation of Inés García Paine (COM'93), president of Alumni-University of Navarra; Andrea Parra (COM'09), president of Alumni-Mexico; Álvaro Herreros (ECO'01 | IESE'06), president of Alumni-Boston; Santiago González-Enciso (DER'10), member of board Alumni-Madrid; and Jordi Cassany (ECO'14 | IESE'22), president of Alumni-Barcelona. All of them were able to talk about their work at the head of the territorial groupings.

The event included a fun quiz on popular questions about university life, which was won by students from Schools Law (first place), Communication (2nd place) and Medicine (3rd place). At the end of the event, attendees enjoyed an aperitif enlivened by DJ Gimeno.

The event in images

"i" of Alumni (3/22/2023)



