Lucia Y. Ojewale: "The atmosphere at the University of Navarra financial aid to make a good intellectual work ".
The professor from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) finishes her research stay at the School
23 | 06 | 2023
Three months have passed since Lucia Yetunde Ojewale, nurse and professor at the University of Ibadan, arrived in Pamplona to do her research stay under the guidance of Dr. Maddi Olano and Dr. Jesús Martín, professors at School Nursing. And now, before her departure, she tells us what her experience has been like: "It has been very good at the University, because they have given me all the support I need to achieve my goal. My host, Dr. Maddi Olano-Lizarraga and all the rest of the staff of the School Nursing have given me great support". In addition, also "the staff of the Library Services has been very exceptional, especially Lucía Palacios".
Every intellectual work needs a good promoter, and for Ojewale "the environment that exists at the University's campus effectively supports the intellectual work . It works like clockwork, everyone doing their part efficiently so that one's energy and time can produce tangible results." This has enabled him to continue his research around the chronically ill patient: "My work is to investigate clinical guidelines that enable Education self-management of diabetes." And he plans to continue his partnership with the School in terms of other qualitative research methods.
Nurses in Nigeria are licensed by the regulatory body, the committee Nursing and Midwifery of Nigeria (NMCN), to practice professionally after undergoing a rigorous and comprehensive clinical and educational training and have C the required professional examinations. This training lasts five years and they receive certificates as a registered nurse (RN), registered midwife (RM) and registered public health nurse (RPHN), in addition to the degree scroll from licentiate degree: "It's not like in Spain, where they have four years of programs of study and specialties last two years. In Nigeria it's a little more intense because the curricula for three specialties are incorporated into the Nigerian program."
In general in Spain, Schools enjoys more support from the university and the government, being different in Nigeria: "They can publish their articles in open access journals without having to worry about article processing charges (APC). They also have full access to many instructions of data such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and CINAHL, among others. They have more grants from research, both government and private sector in Spain. Academics in Nigeria are yet to achieve such level of support for research".