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The dean and vice dean of the School Nursing visit the headquarters of the Laguna Care Center Hospital.

Both institutions maintain a partnership agreement to teach the Master's Degree of Nursing in Palliative Care.

23/07/12 09:41
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Inmaculada Serrano and María Isabel Saracíbar, second and third from the left, with those responsible for the Hospital Centro Laguna in Madrid. PHOTO: Courtesy

The Dean and Vice-Dean of Students of the University of Navarra's Nursing School , María Isabel Saracíbar and Inmaculada Serrano, recently visited the Hospital Centro de Cuidados Laguna in Madrid, where they held a session at work with the center's general director , Francisco Bermúdez, and other officials. Since the 2011-2012 academic year, both centers have been jointly teaching the Master's Degree in Palliative Care Nursing.

The goal of this session, prior to the start of the second edition of Master's Degree, has been, according to the Dean of Nursing,"to unify criteria and channel the different suggestions, both from teachers and students who participated in the first edition of the program, to improve the quality of the program professor".

In addition, as he points out, "this meeting is the beginning of a work that will allow to promote the joint research of both centers in the palliative care of Nursing".

The Master's Degree of Nursing in Palliative Care of the University of Navarra has been designed to provide an advanced professional training in the care of terminal patients or those requiring long-term care, as well as their families.

Twelve students participated in the first edition of the program.



