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Researchers at the BIOMA Institute do not stop their scientific activity in summer

Our researchers attend various international congresses during the summer to share their projects.

23 | 07 | 2024

Science does not take vacations at BIOMA Institute. Our researchers take advantage of the summer months to present their research at various national and European conferences.

At the end of June, Ainhoa Arriazu and Ana Sánchez-Ostiz attended the congress PLEA on sustainable architecture, in Wroclaw (Poland). Ainhoa presented the research made at the framework of the Chair Sanitas under the degree scroll "Transition to Biophilic Hospitals. Key Biophilic Design Parameters in Healthcare Environments", which explores the advantages of incorporating natural elements in healthcare environments.


The first week of July, Arturo Ariño traveled to Vilnius (Lithuania) to present his NA-PoleOn program at the World Aerobiology Congress 2024, which is designed to monitor pollen in Navarra, reducing the work guide and offering a control and prevention service to the population of Navarra.

On the same dates, our colleagues Nieves Goicoechea and Inmaculada Pascual visited the I meeting of the IX thematic network "Biotechnology of Beneficial Interactions between Plants and Microorganisms", in Salamanca. Here the researchers shared the different projects and publications carried out at the BIOMA Institute under the REDPLANTMICRO framework . This network seeks to better understand the molecular dialogue between microorganisms and plants, generating tools to improve food security in crops and deepen the resilience of plants to climate change.

Finally, Marta Fuentes and Yaiza Ruiz, from the group of Biology and Chemistry Agriculture at department of Environmental Biology, attended the ISINIP 2024 - 21st International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interaction in Plants in Düsseldorf (Germany). Here they presented their progress on their work "Fate of riboflavins in root exudates under iron deficiency and alkaline stress", which reveals new possibilities in plant strategies to uptake immobilized iron in the soil.



