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The Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication will be held in Madrid.

24 | 02 | 2022

After eighteen years at the campus of the University of Navarra in Pamplona, the Master's Degree at speech Politics and Corporate (MCPC) will be taught at campus of postgraduate program in Madrid from September 2022. Two other master's degrees are currently taught at School at speech.

With this decision, MCPC students will benefit from the proximity of the country's main political and economic centres and the speech professionals working in and around them. A B number of alumni from Master's Degree work in Madrid in the sectors of political speech , corporate speech and public affairs.

In addition to the six months of face-to-face classes full-time and the three months of curricular internships, the students of this postgraduate program study an intensive one-week programme in Brussels and a one-month programme in Washington. graduate To date, almost three hundred and fifty students from Spain, Latin America and other countries have enrolled in Master's Degree .

According to its academic director , Professor Carlos Barrera, "the structure of the MCPC and its academic staff, which have been an essential part of the awards obtained, remain basically the same: academic and professional, providing the programs of study with an academic root as well as a purely professional orientation".



