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The MUN brings together 25 social entities from Navarre in the third edition of the "SociArte" program

The Museum has presented today the third edition of this initiative, with which it puts its resources at the service of social entities, to work in different areas through art.

FotoManuelCastells/Representatives of the social entities participating in SociArte and MUN professionals, during today's meeting . Museum of the University of Navarra

The MUN presented today the third edition of SociArte, project promoted with the support of "La Caixa" Foundation, which seeks to listen to the social entities of Navarre to know their needs and respond to them. There are already 25 entities that have participated so far, and the number reaches 30 for this new edition. Through SociArte, the Museum offers its resources free of charge to work in different areas through art and creativity.

As recalled by the director of the MUN's Educational area , Fernando Echarri, this year a total of 1,043 people have participated in the 60 activities developed through this program.043 people have participated in the 60 activities developed through this program: guided and dramatized visits to the Museum's exhibitions; visual thinking; individual and group creativity activities, based on the MUN Collection; workshops for children, teenagers and families; film forums; training sessions, given by professionals from the MUN or participating associations; art therapy sessions; or the creation of specific materials, such as the "Tàpies briefcase", which makes the artistic experience possible for people with visual difficulties, are just a few examples.

For his part, the Museum's Deputy Director , José Manuel Trillo recalled that the MUN's mission statement is "to build bridges with society", through initiatives such as SociArte, with the purpose to constitute "a small ecosystem of inclusion". Izaskun Azcona, delegate of "La Caixa" Foundation in Navarra, was present at the workshop , who also considers it "fundamental" to establish the alliances of this subject to facilitate "access to culture as tool of promotion and social insertion".

The meeting was attended by representatives of the 25 social entities participating in this third edition, which are: association Roncal, ANAC (association Navarra de Altas Capacidades), EM Navarra (Multiple Sclerosis of Navarra), Fundación Ilundáin, Fundación Xilema, ANFAS, ONCE, association Eunate, association Española de Education Sensible, Disnavarra (association Navarra de Dislexia), association Onabide, AFAN (association of relatives of Alzheimer patients of Navarra), ACODIFNA (association Coordinadora de Personas con Discapacidad Física de Navarra), Amedna (association de mujeres empresarias y directivas de Navarra), ASORNA (association of Deaf People of Navarra), ASDN (association of Down Syndrome of Navarra), ANDI (association Nuevo Diálogo), ALCER (association for the Fight Against Kidney Diseases), ADHI (association Navarra for the treatment and study of Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity) and CEAR (Spanish Commission of financial aid Refugee), Nuevo Futuro, ANADI (association Navarra de Diabetes), association Bilaketa, Saray and Core Foundation.



