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A graduate of the University of Navarra wins the IV Mercurio de Periodismo award

24/06/10 08:25
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David Gracia. PHOTO: Expansion

David Gracia, graduate in Journalism from the University of Navarra, has won the IV award Mercurio de Periodismo for a set of articles published in the following newspaper Expansión between June 2008 and July 2009. Awarded by the association Nacional de Grandes Empresas de Distribución (ANGED), the award was called in this edition under the slogan "The effects of the application of the European Directive on the Liberalization of Services". The ceremony of submission will take place next July 8 at ANGED's Annual Assembly.

The jury valued "the continuous monitoring of the sector and the problems it faces, as well as the coherence and rigor of all the articles presented by the winner".

He also stressed that the articles of this graduate of the University of Navarra "openly defend the freedom of the market and the elimination of administrative obstacles to the development of entrepreneurship" and are framed "in line with the Services Directive". This rule urges European partners to defend freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services. The reform, recently integrated into the Spanish legal framework , affects sectors as important as retail trade and distribution or the organization of professional associations.

David Gracia, a native of Andorra (Teruel), began his professional career at degree program in the newspaper Expansión in 2005. As editor of the Economics & Política section, in recent years he has covered macroeconomics, immigration, taxation, model autonomy and domestic and international trade.



