The students of management Aplicada complete their stays in Boston, Paris and Cologne.
The first-year students have traveled to Boston, while the third-year students have completed their international stays in Cologne or Paris.
24 | 06 | 2024
The Study program of theDegree in management Applied offered by ISSA School of Applied Management contemplates two mandatory international stays throughout the degree program. In the first one, students travel to Boston (United States) at the end of the first year, while the second one is completed at the end of the third year in Paris (France) or Cologne (Germany), depending on the third language that students take.
During the stays, students analyze various case studies with local professors and professionals from different sectors, visit companies and institutions and prepare a final project on what they have learned. "This sum of experiences allows students to make an academic, cultural and linguistic immersion in different countries," says Antonio María Fernández, director of development of ISSA School of Applied Management.
First course | Boston
The first-year students traveled to Boston to take the intensive course 'Immersion Program in Strategic Design Retail Marketing' at Bentley University. In the framework of project that they had to do during their stay, the expedition visited the headquarters of companies such as Converse and Puma, among others.
In addition, students also attended a master class by Paul Cheek, technology entrepreneur, Senior Associate Professor at MIT Sloan School of Management and director executive of the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship; as well as a lecture by Alvaro Herreros, Head of Global Marketed Brands Unit at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, who gave the final session.
"The stay in Boston, after fill in our first year at ISSA School of Applied Management, showed us that we are able to manage in a work at group. It was my first trip to the United States, and it was an intense period where we divided our time between company visits, study and cultural visits.
This experience has allowed me to generate new bonds of friendship with my colleagues and meet experts and students at Bentley, it has been a luxury. I think this stay shows how serious and impeccable is the Degree. This trip has served as motivation to focus on the programs of study and to be able to do in the future an academic exchange at Bentley University".
Third year : Cologne
The group of third-year students studying German as a third language language completed their international stay at CBS Business School in Cologne, where they completed the program 'Interkulturelles Management & Wirtschaft in Deutschland'.
"At CBS International School we carried out a project focused on the internationalization of a Navarra business in Germany, which allowed us to apply the knowledge acquired at Degree in a real context. We also had the opportunity to visit several companies and understand first-hand how the German market works.
Visits to museums, companies such as one of the most important breweries in Germany and other cities gave us a broader vision of the country. This experience was not only enriching on an academic level, but also allowed us to immerse ourselves in German culture, expand our network contacts and develop new skills. It was a week full of learning and unforgettable moments that will positively mark our professional training and staff".
Third year : Paris
For their part, the group studying French as a third language participated in the international stay 'Management Interculturel et Langue des Affaires en France' held at ISIT.
"The stay in Paris was more than an academic stay, as it was a cultural immersion and an experience to bring group closer. Being able to enjoy such enriching classes and lectures by renowned figures in the business world made the intense work worthwhile. ISIT was a great host university, our professors and speakers were always willing to answer questions.
In addition, the challenge that we had to deal with a third language was outweighed by the richness of the topics we covered in the classes: intercultural marketing, international management, business French and French history. They were conference long, but very complete where fun and learning intertwined with great fluency."