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Young people who participated in WYD call for strong Christian convictions

A hundred people participated in the course of update of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences of the academic center.

24/08/11 07:28
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José Manuel Fidalgo. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"The young people who participated in WYD need and demand strong and lasting Christian convictions," said theologian José Manuel Fidalgo, Deputy Director of high school Superior of Religious Sciences (ISCR) of the University of Navarra. The expert participated in the VIII Course of update on "Current Theological and Pedagogical Issues".

According to him, "it is mission statement unavoidable (in the family, in the catechesis, in the school...) to respond to this demand with a Christian training that shows the true face of Christ and not a caricature".

Regarding the importance of this training, he pointed out that "a Christian lifestyle, lived conscientiously and with fidelity to Christ, carries with it high quality values that foster among people joy, solidarity, sacrifice for love, generous commitment for the good of others, in the face of the selfish tendency that we all carry within us and that is the ultimate origin of so many personal and social crises". And he added that "the possibility of knowing Christ and his message in depth is the best educational investment".

In this sense, he emphasized that Pope Benedict XVI wants for young people "a serious, scientific religious training that knows how to give a profound response to today's questions. Following Christ is not the fruit of an ethereal and passing sentiment, but is born in a meeting staff , and matures and takes root - with the grace of God - in intellectual reflection and in the decision of the will".

Social networks, immigration or bioethics, among the themes

About a hundred people, from all the autonomous communities, participated in the VIII ISCR Course of update . The conference were attended by experts from Schools of Theology, Communication, Canon Law, and Philosophy and Letters.

In addition to Prof. José Manuel Fidalgo, the sessions of August 24 were attended by Prof. Enrique Molina, director of the ISCR; Charo Sádaba, who will speak on 'Social networks, family and Education'; Diego Zalbidea, on 'Church and money: controversy and opportunity'; and Miguel Lluch, on 'Theology of pain. The mystery of pain in human existence'.

On the 25th, María Ángeles Sotés spoke on 'Immigration and social diversity in the school'; José Luis Pastor, on 'Some current didactic issues in the class of religion'; José María Pardo, on 'Bioethics issues: the other face of in vitro fertilization'; and Juan Fernando Sellés, on 'Religion as an answer to the question: who am I? Revelation as an answer'.

Finally, on Friday 26, the following sessions were held: 'Orientations in the face of the educational emergency, according to Benedict XVI', at position by Ramiro Pellitero; 'The Bible as transversal content in the school curriculum', at position by Francisco Varo; 'Decision-making: skill of professor and student', by Carolina Ugarte; and 'Manipulation of human embryos, a current challenge in bioethics', offered by María Iraburu.



