The group TriviUN held its II Workshop: "The Party Continues".

24 | 08 | 2021
The group of research TriviUN of the University of Navarra held a Workshop graduate on 28th and 29th June: "The party continues". The first day the meeting took place in Pamplona and the second day in Estella, in the Casa de Cultura Fray Diego de Estella. The activities carried out were very varied: a training course on stylometry given by Dr. Laura Hernández Lorenzo (University of Seville), presentations by the members of group on the research they are carrying out, and the presentation of a book.
Along with the active members of group TriviUN who presented their progress(Miguel Zugasti, Javier Azanza, Carmen Pinillos, Ana Zúñiga Lacruz, Silvia Cazalla, Daniel Docampo, Rocío García Bourrellier and Covadonga Romero), there was space for two more guests from abroad: Profs. Jorge Mojarro Romero (University of Santo Tomás, Manila) and Iñaki Pérez Ibáñez (University of Rhode Island, USA).
A worthy culmination of the workshop/workshop was the presentation of the book by Silvia Cazalla Canto graduate Redes emblemáticas y cultura visual en la Edad Moderna: la "Vanidad del mundo" (1574) de fray Diego de Estella, origen de "Het voorhof der ziele" (1668) de Frans van Hoogstraten (recently published by the publishing house EUNSA). This monograph is the result of the doctoral thesis carried out by Silvia Cazalla in Pamplona, under the direction of Dr. José Javier Azanza (University of Navarra) and the co-direction of Dr. Reyes Escalera (University of Málaga). The author analyses the book of emblems by Frans van Hoogstraten, whose degree scroll can be translated as "Anteroom of the soul", which was inspired by Fray Diego's "Vanity of the world". The main finding of her research was to detect the connection between the two authors and to put into circulation a material that was present in both the Catholic and Protestant spheres during the 16th-17th centuries, with a message of conciliation.