Researchers from the network WINN of the ICS call for papers on female visibility at Education as an engine for change and equality.
Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán and Inmaculada Alva are guest editors of a Issue of the 'Revista Estilos de Aprendizaje' to be published in 2021.

Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán and Inmaculada Alva, researchers at the University of Navarra, have been invited to edit a special issue of the journal Estilos de Aprendizaje on female visibility at Education as a driver of change and equality. The call for scientific articles about this topic will be open until January 15, 2021.
Professors Díaz de Terán (School of Law) and Alva (School of Philosophy andLetters) participate in the initiative as members of the network WINN of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra. This is part of the association Innovactoras, which in early September received a award Global WSIS from the United Nations.
As they detail, the Issue tries to respond to one of the Sustainable Goals of development : the importance of an inclusive and equitableEducation that improves people's lives and contributes to develop solutions to relevant problems of today's world. "For this, it is necessary to establish new scenarios that promote measures focused on advancing an innovative training at different educational levels towards equality of women and men", assures Mª Cruz Díaz de Terán.
In this sense, the professors comment that different national and international regulations insist on the need to work in a transversal manner on the principle of equality of women and men in the Education, as well as in equality policies.
Specifically, Díaz de Terán, coordinator of the network WINN of the ICS, emphasizes that "the Spanish legislation raises, in addition to non-discrimination between male and female students, the need to promote a proactive training towards the equality of men andwomen".
In his opinion, this training "necessarily implies, among other measures, the research of methodologies and teaching contents that recognize and make visible the contributions of women to Education and social progress".
Building an egalitarian societyThe lines of research proposed in the call for papers are the following: Female referents in the models of teaching and literacy throughout history; Women educators and/or researchers who have promoted advances in the attention and study of the styles of teaching-learning; Women agents of change in the management of educational organizations; Teaching strategies to improve the visibility of women's contributions; Incorporation of a gender perspective in curricula; and Methodologies focused on female contributions in different fields of study.
The guest editors hope that the contents of this issue will be useful to the faculty and contribute to the construction of a society of equality between women and men.