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"The feeling of modesty has the function of protecting people's individuality."

Mariano Crespo explains the central thesis of Max Scheler on modesty and the feeling of shame during a seminar organized by the ICS projects 'Natural Law' and 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality'.

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In the seminar the main thesis of Max Scheler on modesty and shame were addressed. PHOTO: Courtesy
24/10/13 16:09 Carlota Cortés

Researchers from the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) participated in the seminar 'On modesty and the feeling of shame in the work of Max Scheler'. The activity was organized by the projects 'Natural law and practical rationality' and 'Education of affectivity and human sexuality (EASH)' at the initiative of the scientific coordinator, Ana Marta Gonzalez. The purpose was to encourage dialogue between philosophers, physicians and educators of the two projects.

During the meeting, Mariano Crespo, researcher of project 'Natural Law', exposed the fundamental thesis of Scheler's thought on the feelings of modesty and shame. According to him, one of them is that "the feeling of modesty has, in some way, the function of protecting the individuality of persons".

partnership interdisciplinary

"I have always found Scheler's research on certain feelings or emotional experiences particularly interesting. Many of them have a moral relevance: this is what happens in the case of repentance," explains Mariano Crespo.

According to Professor Crespo, it is of great interest that the specialists of the 'EASH' and 'Natural Law' projects jointly address this issue, since the former is dedicated to more practical aspects and the latter focuses on reflection.

 "In the project on rationality internship we are interested in cultivating everything that has to do with affective rationality, with emotional consciousness," he said. "In the grasp of values," he added, "not only does the intellectual knowledge influence, but also, to a great extent, emotion and feeling, and Scheler is one of the most significant representatives of this idea.

Thus, he insisted that both projects converge on this point: "Reason is not only cognitive; it also has an emotional and affective aspect. These are not different reasons, but sides of the same reason".



