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Planning for a sustainable future

Second year students of Degree in management Applied organize START and Ecofusion, two congresses on sustainability.

FotoCedida/FermínMartínez, coordinator of mobility in Pamplona City Hall, during his lecture.

In the framework of the subject management Business IV, the second year students of the Degree in management Applied of the ISSA School of Applied Management organized START and Ecofusion, two conferences focused on addressing sustainability from different perspectives (energy, materials, Education, food and sustainable mobility ) with the participation of six experts.

Fernando Ruiz, one of the professors at subject, explains that, among other issues, "management Empresarial IV focuses on the interactions that business has with its environment". In addition, it also delves into the relationship of the organization with customers and suppliers, addresses resource planning and emphasizes those ICTs necessary for a correct relationship between business and its customers.

management of Events

The project, which takes place during the second semester of the second year and integrates content from management Business IV and Business Communication III, focuses on organizing an event with or for companies. On this occasion, the theme revolved around sustainability. "The fundamental goal is that it should be an project that 'gets done', not that it remains on paper," says Ruiz.

The semester is divided into three installments, in which the progress made by the students is evaluated. The first focuses on the planning and load sharing of work, the second on explaining how problems and unforeseen events can alter the initial plan, while the last submission consists of taking stock of the result event and a reflection on possible areas for improvement. "The initial idea is contrasted with the final result . In this way, students can assess how their initial idea has progressively evolved," Ruiz points out.

An integrated project

In addition to Fernando Ruiz, other teachers participate in subject . For example, at the beginning of the course, Professor Mireia Carabantes gives classes on event organization and accompanies the different groups in the planning of their proposals. Also from the beginning, Elena Michel, project coordinator, financial aid helps the students to establish the different roles and the internal structure of each team. "Professor Michel, like all the coordinators, meets with the work groups once a week and takes the pulse (planning, action, and mood) of each proposal", describes Ruiz.

As the weeks progress, students must talk to the companies and guest speakers, negotiate a budget, manage it and overcome the obstacles they face. They also learn how to use CRM as tool of management for customer relations from César Berrozpe or about the internal and external management of the offices with María José Razkin.



