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The School of Theology celebrates the end of degree program act of 43 students of high school program and licentiate degree

25 | 05 | 2024

Félix María Arocena, who gave the students a few words as a last word class which, according to him, had remained in the inkwell: "Participation in the memorial that Jesus commanded us to celebrate gives us the possibility of living the great and small vicissitudes of life in proximity to the eternal".

The School of Theology celebrated on Saturday, May 25, the act of end of degree program of 43 of its students, of which 28 are part of the LVI promotion of licentiate degree in Theology and 15 of the LVIII promotion of high school program in Theology.

"Each one of you, in different ways, has that mission statement, that charge in receiving today this degree scroll, to serve the Church with what you have learned," stressed Professor Gregorio Guitián, Dean of the School, stressing the responsibility to continue to cultivate "this horizon that has opened up in a different way."

"When they say that someone is a former student, it fills us with joy, it is family. You are our ambassadors throughout the world," he said and added a request: "If you find yourselves in the exercise of your profession, of your ministry, with people who can understand, or who show gratitude for the service you give them, remember us. It is a request that we make to you".

Professor Felix Maria Arocena was the sponsor chosen by the students of both graduating classes. "This reflection of mine as my last class intends to have a sapiential slant, in case I am able to achieve it", and he continued: "I would begin by remembering that participation in the memorial that Jesus commanded us to celebrate gives us the possibility of living the great and small vicissitudes of life in neighborhood with the eternal".

He ended the exhibition by addressing the students of high school program: "What I am going to say is not from protocol, but from a sincere heart. I wanted to thank you in this solemn moment, because in the harmony that we have usually managed to reach in class, with your attitude, interest, and questions, with your sincere empathy, you have made me leave classroom so many times, at the end of class, simply happy. For that and much more I am grateful to you. Thank you."

On behalf of the students, Mr. Óscar Tineo Castillo, delegate of the licentiate degree in Moral Theology, thanked "the professors who dedicate their lives to the teaching, the staff administrative and workers, Opus Dei, the dioceses, our families, the CARF Foundation, and so many friends and benefactors who make our trainingpossible".



