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Law, illusion and discussion

Last September 23rd was held the International Student's congress "Ius naturale as the foundation of contemporary global law" which has as its root a project of research on the Law.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
25/09/14 17:22 Claudia Sorbet

The international studentcongress "Ius naturale as the foundation of contemporary global law", which took place at the University on September 23, began to take shape in May. 

The roots lie in a project of research on the globalization of law and the existence of different legal traditions, in which the School of Law of the University of Navarra, the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University of Krakow are participating. From here, the idea arose to create a congress that could be of interest to both Polish and Spanish law students. A congress in which students could get involved, make presentations and reflect on law.

The natural law and its influence on global law was selected as a line of discussion , a topic that affects the foundations of law and that would allow not only theoretical analysis, but also to address more practical issues.

Once they decided to carry out the "experiment", the School made a call to inform the students of the possibility of participating, and the idea began to take shape. It was well received and it was the students themselves who organized the congress under the supervision of some professors such as Rafael García Pérez, one of the initiators of the project. The students selected the topics for their papers, prepared the posters and disseminated the congress.

They spent time, a lot of time work... and then came the nerves. A lump in the throat and an attentive audience accompanied the reflection on law. Eleven presentations were made, lasting around fifteen minutes: five by Polish students and six by Spaniards. "It was fun, interesting and also quite intense," said José Fanjul, who prepared his discussion paper on medieval law and natural law. In addition to this topic , others were discussed, such as the regulation of usury, marriage, the protection of human dignity on the Internet, the inadequate use of natural law to issue sentences...

Thanks to the interpenetration of the universities, an atmosphere of discussion and ideas was created in which profound, accessible, historical-philosophical presentations were given, as well as others related to more concrete problems. 

These have made it possible to contrast the Polish and Spanish legal systems, and to observe how ideas about justice can be shared despite different traditions and cultures

Polish and Spanish students had in common the nerves and the desire to repeat. And it seems that the wish is going to come true. Both students and professors were very satisfied with the result, so that Professor Marcin Romanowski, from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University of Warsaw, has proposed a second congress, this time in Poland, next year. The topic could be the foundation or justification of human rights, much debated throughout the workshop.



