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"We want all students at School to feel accompanied."

Isabel González-Ripa León of the double Degree in Law and International Office and Álvaro de Lecea Larrañaga student of International Office, new delegates of the School of Law.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
19/10/20 14:05 Nagore Gil

Isabel González-Ripa León (Logroño, 2000), a third year student of the double Degree in Law and International Office and Álvaro de Lecea Larrañaga (San Sebastián, 2000), student , a third year student of International Office have been elected delegates of the School Law School of the University of Navarra for the 2020-21 academic year. In this interview we talk to them about their assignment as student representatives and the relationship between students and professors. 

You have been elected as representatives of the students of School Law for this year, how do you face this responsibility? Álvaro is a new member of position, but Isabel already has experience. 

ISABEL: Indeed, this is my second year as delegate of the Law School and I face this responsibility as I did in my first year, with the same enthusiasm and desire to do things well. The last academic year made me acquire skills and experience that will be useful to face the challenges of this course.  

ÁLVARO: I am really looking forward to what we are going to do this year. It's true that it's a complicated year for everyone and that's why I hope to be able to live up to the expectations and help as much as I can.

What would you like to contribute to School, how do you understand this relationship of bridging between student body and School?

ISABEL: This year is especially complicated in view of the status we are living through. We have comrades who have not been able to return, comrades who have been confined, in short, the status is not easy. That is why we want everyone to feel accompanied. We have a great team of delegates who, together with us, will work as hard as possible so that all of them can enjoy the course and feel that they are here with us. For this, we know that communication between all the members of School is very important, and we try to build that bridge as closely as possible. 

What would you like to advance?

- ALVARO: We believe that School has evolved a lot in recent years. New careers, clubs and activities are now offered. We want to encourage everyone not to miss the opportunities offered by this School: litis simulatio or legal clinic, among others. These extracurricular activities help us to acquire new skills for tomorrow.  

I imagine that it is too early to have concrete proposals, but, perhaps, something to improve?

- ISABEL: Last year we had many projects that were left on the back burner. Therefore, this year the idea is to continue with those things that we had thought of doing, but that we couldn't because of the beginning of the pandemic, such as, for example, an adaptation course for the first year students. This idea may be especially useful this year when the circumstances are far from the usual ones. 



