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Gabriel Insausti, professor at School of Philosophy and Letters, publishes a book in which he reflects on the influence of Christianity on European cultural manifestations.

Edited by meeting, it was presented on January 21 at the headquarters of publishing house in Madrid and on January 24 at the Casa del LIbro in Seville.

PhotoManuelCastells/Professor Gabriel Insausti with a copy of the book La lira de Linos: cristianismo y cultura europea.

26 | 01 | 2022

Gabriel Insausti, professor of Contemporary Literature and of the Master's Degree in Christianity and Contemporary Culture of the University of Navarra, has published the book "La lira de Linos: cristianismo y cultura europea". The book was presented last 21st at the headquarters of Ediciones meeting. The event was attended by about twenty people and was followed in streaming by more than 80 viewers. The event, moderated by the journalist Ricardo Morales, counted with the intervention of its author and Jon Juaristi, poet and essayist.

The work, which coincides with the launching of the Master's Degree in Christianity and Contemporary Culture of the academic center, raises some questions about the coexistence of the Christian religion with modern European culture and highlights the presence of the foundations of Christianity in manifestations such as cinema or literature. It is structured around three essays and an epilogue, in which Insausti "dialogues" with writers such as Baudelaire, Joyce, Conrad, Eliot, Proust, Victor Hugo, Dante and Dostoevsky, among others.

The first part analyzes the reactions of different French authors to the process of secularization of European society and culture during the 19th and 20th centuries. The second part essay deals with the Christian thought of Dante, Dostoevsky and Eliot who, in the author's words, coincide with the "longing for a theological foundation when building a civilization that, with modernity, would supposedly have turned its back on all proposal in that direction". In the third part of the work, Insausti investigates the oblivion of beauty in the plastic arts and the contradictions that exist in the attempt of postmodernity to found a new culture on the negation of the Judeo-Christian bequest .

The work can be purchased at the following link.

D. in Philology and Philology English, and Master of Arts in Philosophy and Art History, Gabriel Insausti works professor at the University of Navarra, as Senior Associate Professor of Contemporary Literature. His work encompasses diverse perspectives, although his most important production is poetic. Winner of several literary awards, he has been finalist of the award Nacional de Poesía (2002) and of the award Herralde de Novela (2013). Among other works, he has coordinated the critical edition of the poetic work of Jorge Oteiza, published in 2006 by the Foundation of the same name.

Below is the rebroadcast of presentation of the book:



