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The vice-president of the Government of Navarre Manuel Ayerdi highlights the importance of the public-private partnership in the health sector

More than one hundred experts in pharmaceutical technology meet at the XI International Forum of CISDEM held at the University of Navarra

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From left to right, Isidoro Caraballo, Adela López de Cerain, María Pilar Lostao, Manuel Ayerdi, Concepción Tros de Ilarduya and Juan Manuel Irache.
PHOTO: Manuel Castells
26/10/18 12:32 Laura Juampérez

goal More than a hundred experts in pharmaceutical technology from Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, France, Italy, Cuba, Argentina and Mexico are meeting at the University of Navarra to share the latest advances in the field of design, formulation and development of medicines, with the aim of making them increasingly safer and more effective.

This is the XI edition of the International Forum of the Ibero-American-Swiss Chair development of Medicines (CISDEM), whose opening was attended by the Vice President of Economic development Government of Navarra, Manuel Ayerdi, who stressed the importance of the public-private partnership in promoting core topic sectors such as health and innovation in the pharmaceutical sector.

Ayerdi also recalled that the good harmony between universities, research centers and companies in Navarra "has allowed the development of leading companies, the launch of several start-ups and projects as relevant as the high school of research Health Navarra, IdiSNA".

More than 70 students from doctorate and 100 projects from research

Also present at the opening ceremony, at the School of Pharmacy and Nutrition of the University of Navarra, were the dean, Adela López de Cerain; María Pilar Lostao, Vice President of International Office and Alumni of the University of Navarra; and Isidoro Caraballo, director of the Chair Ibero-American-Switzerland of development of Medicines; as well as professors Concepción Tros de Ilarduya -president of the scientific committee - and Juan Manuel Irache -president of the organizing committee -.

According to the dean and professor of Toxicology, the area of Pharmaceutical Technology "has had a substantial weight within the School, with more than 70 students of doctorate that carry out the two programs of Pharmacy focused on this field, and more than 100 projects of research with companies and competitive, which receive support from local, national and international institutions, such as the Government of Navarra itself". "This shows us, once again, the commitment that both the Government and the University maintain with this sector core topic for the development of more effective and safer drugs."

The program of meeting consists of plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations and round tables on innovative topics in the field, such as biosimilar drugs or translational research .



