University launches Priests Scholarships for students of the Ecclesiastical Schools
Under the slogan 'Serving the Church to serve the world', the campaign goal to obtain sustained funding over time so that, together with the help of other foundations and benefactors that already exist, priests and seminarians can continue their formation.

FotoManuelCastells/From left to right, Ricardo Piñero, Alejandro Vázquez-Dodero, Cristina Alfaro, Pablo Marti and Almudena Uclés.
27 | 02 | 2025
Under the motto "Serving the Church to serve the world", the University of Navarra has launched the projectPriests Scholarships project. "Priests Scholarships" project.. A fundraising campaign to establish perpetual scholarship funds for students of the Ecclesiastical Schools .
The goal is to obtain sustained funding over time so that priests and seminarians can continue their formation at the University and ensure the continuity of aneducational project that leaves a deep mark on the Church, on society and on the University itself.
On February 6, in an event attended by 600 people, the campaign was presented and the programs of study carried out by some 100 seminarians and 120 priests on five continents thanks to the generosity of donors and institutions were highlighted. The event included the screening of the short documentary film "Sacerdotes", which narrates the work of the Ecclesiastical Schools through different voices.
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