2013_03_27_FECLE_José Ángel García Cuadrado y Enrique Moros, acreditados por la ANECA como profesores titulares
José Ángel García Cuadrado and Enrique Moros, accredited by the National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation as full professors.
It is about Dean and director of programs of study of the School Ecclesiastic of Philosophy
PHOTO: Manuel Castells and loaned
The Dean of the School Ecclesiastic of PhilosophyJosé Ángel García Cuadrado, and the director of programs of study, Enrique Moros, have been accredited by the National Agency of Agencia Nacional de assessment de la Calidad y accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) as full professors.
José Ángel García Cuadrado (Murcia, 1963) is graduate in Philology Hispánica by the University of Valencia, and doctor by the School Eclesiastic of Philosophy and doctor in Philosophy and Letters from the University of Navarra.
Professor García Cuadrado has published several monographs programs of study , edited 6 books and is also the author of 32 articles in specialized journals and 25 book chapters. He has also directed 13 doctoral thesis and 25 thesis of licentiate degree.
He is an ordinary member of the Spanish Society of Medieval Philosophy (S.O.F.I.M.E.), of the International Society Thomas Aquinas of Spain (S.I.T.A.E.), of the Societé Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (S.I.E.P.M.) and of the association de Hispanismo Filosófico (A.H.F). He is also a corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas since 2007.
Enrique Moros (Sagunto, Valencia, 1960) graduated in Philosophy from the University of Navarra, and received his doctorate from the Ecclesiastical School Philosophy - with award Extraordinary - and from the School of Philosophy y Letras.
He has published 6 books and 18 articles in specialized journals. He has also directed 18 doctoral thesis . His lines of research focus on metaphysics and natural theology, both in the classics and in contemporary analytical Philosophy .
Professor Moros is a member of group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith' (CRYF).