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MCPC students experience a unique month in Washington DC

The 10th graduating class of Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication will take part in the GSPM Four-Week Program in the U.S. capital.

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27/03/14 11:30 Yago Sánchez-Reig

The month of March has brought to the students of the X Promoción del Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication a unique experience thanks to agreement of partnership with George Washington University. Throughout this month, the program included classes at the Graduate School of Political Management and visits to the main administrative, political and communication entities in Washington DC. Thus, the students had the opportunity to talk with Katherine Vargas, manager of the White House Hispanic Media Communications; Jasmine Mora, manager of the Hispanic Caucus at congress, Izzy Santa, manager of the Republican Party Hispanic Media Communications; José Parra, in charge of communications at the Democratic Policy & Communications Center; and Pili Tobar, area of the Democratic Party Communications.

Other professional activities included roundtable with Spanish correspondents in Washington, where Pablo Pardo, correspondent for El Mundo, Emili Blasco, correspondent for ABC, -both alumni of fcom-, and Lorenzo Milá, correspondent for TVE, shared their experiences.

Throughout the month, students have also enjoyed an extensive academic programs thanks to classes at the GSPM in areas such as election campaigns, grassroots and design messaging, as well as the development of a project led by Patricio Zamorano. The classes have been taught by professors of the prestige of Steven Billet, Gary Nordlinger and Greg Lebel. As a result of these classes, Professor Peter Fenn describes MCPC students as "some of the best and brightest political, advertising and communications minds in Latin America and Europe" in his US News column.

The March diary also included visits to political and communications consultancies such as GMMB, Aristotle and Fenton; think tanks CATO Institute and Council of the Americas; the American Petroleum Institute and the World Bank.

In addition, this year MCPC students attended the NBA game between the Washington Wizards and Memphis Grizzlies. Before the game, Scott Hall explained his experience as the Wizards' dircom. In addition, after the game the students were able to chat with Marc Gasol, as reported by Marca and Canal+.

Once again this year the academic, professional and human experience lived during the whole month has been very enriching, thanks to the good work of the program coordinators Luis Raúl Matos and Patricio Zamorano. The contact with the American political and communication culture has been a valuable complement to the six months of classes in Pamplona, as well as the stays in Madrid and Brussels, and just before starting the internships in companies, consulting firms and institutions in April as the last module of the Master's Degree.



