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The University, Spain's leading center for studying medicine

The School of Medicine is the one with the most high performing indicators in the CYD Ranking, 30 out of a total of 48, aimed at guiding pre-university students in the choice of their choice training

FotoManuelCastells/Alumnos de la School de Medicina work on a scenario at area Clínica Simulada

27 | 05 | 2024

The School of Medicine of the University of Navarra is the most outstanding center in Spain to study Medicine, according to the analysis carried out by the CYD Foundation for this discipline. This is the ranking with the most complete information on Spanish universities, and includes in its new edition an updated analysis of the universities that offer programs of study of Degree and postgraduate program in Medicine.

Thus, in order to know which are the best rated universities in this area, dimensions such as teaching and learning, research, transfer of knowledge, internationalization, contribution to regional development and employment rate were considered.

For this purpose, the CYD Foundation has analyzed a total of 48 common indicators applicable to the 38 public and private universities that offer the Degree in Medicine, which it has distributed according to their performance. The School of Medicine of the University of Navarra is the one with the highest performance indicators, with a total of 30.

The University, second best in Spain

The University of Navarra is the second best university in Spain according to the CYD ranking, after obtaining 29 high performing indicators out of the 36 possible in this classification. The ranking evaluates 81 of the 89 Spanish universities (48 public and 33 private), in 30 areas of knowledge and through more than 3,000 degrees. Due to the issue of indicators and the number of data used, it is the most complete ranking of the Spanish university system.

The University of Navarra is second in Spain behind the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Both obtain 29 indicators from high performing, but the Catalan university obtains one more indicator of average performance. In addition, the University of Navarra is the first of all private universities and the only one in the top five positions.



