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Mass on the Feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of the University

The Vicar of Opus Dei spoke about work, divine filiation and apostolate.

27/06/12 07:55
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Attendees at the celebration of the feast of St. Josemaría. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

"Students trust their teachers: they expect them to transmit knowledge and science; yes, but also much more. They feel that the teachers are going to give them the best of themselves, and they want to be able to consider them truly their teachers". This is how Rafael Salvador, Vicar of the Delegation of Opus Dei in Pamplona, summed up the formative work of the University, on the occasion of the feast of St. Josemaría Escrivá, Founder of Opus Dei and First Chancellor of the University of Navarre.

The Mass, which was celebrated on the 26th at sports center, was attended by about 2,000 people, many of them professors, students, staff administration and service personnel, Clinic workers and hundreds of people from Pamplona.

He then referred to some words of Cardinal Ratzinger on his experience as a professor: "During classes, the best moment is when the students put aside their pens and begin to listen. As they take notes on what you say, it is a sign that you are doing well, but you have not surprised them. When they stop writing and fix their gaze on you as you speak, then it means that perhaps you have managed to reach their heart."

The Vicar of the Delegation of Opus Dei developed in his homily three characteristics of the Christian life: work, divine filiation and apostolate. You well know," he said, "that these were themes especially dear to St. Josemaría, because awareness of divine filiation is an essential aspect of the spirituality of the Work and because the apostolic work is carried out on a daily basis through the sanctification of work and of ordinary life."

University of Navarra, 60 years since its beginnings: 1952

In mentioning the development of this university institution, which this year celebrates its 60th anniversary, he wanted to thank all those who have collaborated in bringing the university to fruition. "Without your enthusiasm, without your work hard work and cordiality, without your knowledge, without your good work, without your prayer, the University of Navarra would not be a joyful reality."

Finally, he mentioned some words of the current Chancellor, Bishop Javier Echevarría, with the words of the current president of the University of Navarra, Mons. Javier Echevarría, in which he described the University, on the occasion of the Clinic's 50th anniversary, as"a civil initiative, imbued with the Christian spirit, carried out by men and women who passionately love the world in which they live and who, out of love for the world, try to contribute the best they possess: their scientific, humanistic and technical training , their eagerness to serve, and the joy of faith, the joy of having encountered Jesus Christ". He concluded by emphasizing that this is the permanent dream of St. Josemaría "that we must continue to make a reality day by day with our work and dedication.



