Mónica Pachón defends her thesis

27 | 06 | 2023
This Friday, June 23, Mónica Pachón has defended her doctoralthesis , entitled "Self vs. Hetero-Behavioral Regulation: model Theoretical and Validation at Education and Health"."The main goal of our research was to internally and externally validate a pair of Self vs. Hetero-Behavioral Hetero-Regulation scales in the field of learning and academic health."
The doctoral candidate says that the biggest challenge were the skills related to data analysis and scientific writing have constantly been a challenge. "I have overcome them thanks to the accompaniment of my directors of thesis , Maica and Jesus, who have been present week by week to teach and guide me."
In their words, "The results of the thesis allowed, in the first instance written request, to internally validate the structure of the proposed scales, which is valuable for those researchers interested in exploring behavioral self-regulation in the field of health and learning of university students". In addition, the findings related to regulatory, non-regulatory and dysregulatory variables are relevant because they imply an argued understanding of the importance of the context (family, peers, teachers) in the consolidation of self-regulatory behaviors.
On the other hand, Pachón tells us that, although the importance of context is usually recognized in psychology, the findings they have obtained show that it is not simply important, but crucial. "This implies that lines of intervention, especially preventive ones, must also address the context."
Congratulations, Monica! Your hard work work has paid off.