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A study from the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, published in the official journal of the American Society for Radiation Oncology

Analysis findings show that combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment prior to surgery eliminates gastric cancer in 64% of cases

27/08/10 09:23

"The International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, the official journal of the American Society for Radiation Oncology, has published the results of a study conducted by Dr. Juan Antonio Díaz and Dr. Javier Rodríguez, from the Oncology Department; Dr. Javier Hernández, from the General Surgery Department; and Dr. Jesús Javier Sola, from the Pathology Department. Clínica Universidad de Navarra Juan Antonio Díaz and Javier Rodríguez, from the department of Oncology; Javier Hernández, from the department of General Surgery; and Jesús Javier Sola, from the department of Anatomy Pathology.

According to the findings of this study, 64% of patients with gastric cancer who receive combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment before surgery experience almost complete disappearance of the tumor when analyzing the operated stomach. The Degree response rate, which is associated with prolonged survival, was higher in these patients than in those who received only chemotherapy before surgery.

High therapeutic rates

The high therapeutic rates achieved by this treatment at the Clinic are based on the fact that the combined administration of chemotherapy and radiotherapy before surgery induces a reduction in the size of the tumors, which may disappear completely in 19% of the patients and in 64% of the patients there is only a microscopic residue of the disease.

This fact facilitates subsequent complete removal by surgery, but in addition, the high Degree response rate has a positive influence on survival. In the Clinic's experience, patients treated with the combination of chemo- and radiotherapy before surgery would be more likely to achieve a greater response than those treated with preoperative chemotherapy alone.



