I workshop of Donations and Transplants of the University of Navarra in Science and Technology.
Several Navarrese associations provided information on Sciences Building and a roundtable
The University of Navarra held the I workshop of Donations and Transplants organized by UAS (Universitarios por la financial aid Social) with the partnership of the City Council of Pamplona and several Navarre associations. The meeting took place today at Sciences Building, where several information points were installed
attended by volunteers.
Also, at 12.30 h., a roundtable was held at the auditorium with representatives of the association ADONA (association of donors of Navarra), the association of Transplantados y Enfermos Hepáticos de Navarra (ATEHNA), Domena (association Eduardo Domezáin, of marrow donors), the department of Nephrology and the Centro de Transfusión Sanguínea del Servicio Navarro de Salud (Blood Transfusion Center of the Navarra Health Service); Adano (financial aid for children with cancer), Alcer Navarra (association for the fight against renal diseases) and the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.
With the slogan "There are many ways to show that you care", the workshop aimed to make a call to the university community to raise awareness of the value and social need for blood, marrow and organ donations.
The following participated in the roundtable :
- Dr. Juan José Unzue, coordinator Autonomous Transplant of Navarra.
- Dr. Pedro Errasti Goenaga, department of Nephrology (Clínica Universidad de Navarra).
- María Otermin Ayesa, representative of ADONA.
- Gloria Fernández Albéniz, representative of DOMENA.
- Dr. Eduardo Olavarría López, representative of the Spanish Society of Transplants. - Dr. Eduardo Olavarría López, representative of the Spanish Society of Transplants. - Dr. Eduardo Olavarría López, representative of the Spanish Society of Transplants. Dr. Eduardo Olavarría López-Aróstegui, department Hematology Hospital de Navarra.
- Loli Roldán Guergué, representative of ALCER.
- Conchi Soto Eguiluz, of ATEHNA.
- Ana Rosa Muniain López, representative of ADANO.
- Antonio Medarde Agustín, representative of the Centro de Transfusión Sanguínea de Navarra.