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A U.S. philosopher gives a lecture at seminar on the contribution of Christianity to the concept of 'reason'.

The activity was organized by the group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith'.

27/11/12 13:11


David Walsh, professor of Philosophy Politics at the Catholic University of America (Washington D.C.), gave an address on seminar from group of research 'Science, Reason and Faith'. In it he focused on the broadening of the concept of 'reason' brought about by Christianity and the tension experienced since then in the relationship between revelation and reason.

Professor Walsh explained that the disorientation of contemporary culture has led to a poor understanding of some concepts such as 'reason', despite the fact that rationality is a basic pillar of today's society.

He went on to say that although reason is a capacity common to human beings of all times, it had a definite moment of self-discovery. It was carried out by the classical Greek philosophers, as the fruit of a long search for the divine. In that period, man discovers himself and his participation in the radically transcendent perspective of Being.

However, according to Professor Walsh, to address the concept of reason it is not enough to go back to the Greek past: one must turn to Christianity, for the world is marked by the mystery of the cross and resurrection, the epiphany of the incarnate divinity.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells

In his words, today it is impossible to make Philosophy if not in the light of Christianity: "The extension of rationality, the recognition of the full universality of human nature, the equal distance of all human beings with respect to divine perfection and the inextirpable presence of evil in life derive from Christian differentiation".

David Walsh concluded that the human being is only capable of assuming his own contingency and penetrating his most pressing mysteries, such as the existence of evil and suffering, from his link with the Being revealed in Christ.



