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Five graduates from the University of Navarra, among the top 100 in the world spanish medical residency program

The School of Medicine maintains two thirds of its students among the top 25% for another year.

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Laura Gutiérrez, Diego Latasa, Paula Martínez, Maite Serrano and Leyre Ucar.
PHOTO: University of Navarra
28/02/14 17:35 Laura Latorre

Five graduates of the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra have obtained one of the 100 best marks in the exam spanish medical residency program 2014, held last February 1, and whose results have been published this Friday, February 28, by the Ministry of Education.

Among them is issue twenty-four, Leyre Úcar Rodríguez, a native of Pamplona and former student of high school Cardenal Larraona. In 43rd place was Paula Martínez from Murcia; in 50th place, Maite Serrano from Navarra, who studied at high school Santa María la Real (Maristas); in issue 81st place, Laura Gutiérrez from Guipuzcoa; and in issue 84th place, Diego Joaquín Latasa from Zaragoza.

The School of Medicine maintains two thirds of its students among the top 25% (105 out of 166 presented), and 92.77% are among the top 50%. Likewise, 95.18% obtained a issue lower than the 6,149, issue of places offered this year. 



