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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities of other centers and universities (February 2020)

Researchers and collaborators participated in activities in Belgium, France, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Oman, Portugal, Spain, the United States and the United States.

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28/02/20 15:55 Natalia Rouzaut

Emotional culture and identity
Mariano CrespoMariano Crespo
participated in the Holly Land Dialogues 2020, organized by Saxum Foundation in Jerusalem, with the lecture 'The Logic of Forgiveness', (Jerusalem, Israel, 26/02/2020).


Inés OlzaInés Olza gave the discussion paper 'Multimodal strategies of conversational (dis)alignment' (co-authored with Carmela Pérez-Salazar) in the conference organized by the network Thematic Excellence in programs of study of Analysis of the Oral speech of the University of Seville, (Seville, 6-7/02/2020).

In addition, he has made a research stay in the Departments of Philology English and language Spanish of the University of Murcia in the framework of his project Multi Neg. There he offered the seminar 'Multimodal poetics: Cognition and poetics in the performing arts', (Murcia, 01-29/02/2020).

Public discourse
Eleonara EspositoEleonora Esposito
presented the paper 'Social average for Social Research: Theory and Methods for a Critical Discursive Perspective' at the 4th International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation 'Exploring Cultural Intersections' at Sultan Qaboos University, (Muscat, Oman, 6-8/02/2020).

Dámaso IzquierdoDámaso Izquierdo attended a meeting of work at the Madrid headquarters of the International University of La Rioja framed in the project 'Cartografía de los discursos del odio en España desde la comunicación: ámbitos culturales, educativos y religiosos', (Madrid, 24/02/2020).

Ana María Fernández VallejoAna María Fernández Vallejo offered the discussion paper 'Emotions in the Digital Communication' at the School of Letters of the University of Antwerp (11/02/2020, Antwerp, Belgium).


Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Martiño RodríguezMartiño Rodríguez
traveled to the United States for research meetings at Brigham Young University and Divine Mercy University. At Brigham Young University she also attended the seminar case supervision at the Marriage and Family Master Program, (Sterling, Provo, USA, 06-11/02/2020).

Navarra Center for International Development
Luis RavinaLuis Ravina
attended the annual meeting of the Center for Mediterranean Integration at the World Bank headquarters, (Paris, France, 04/02/2020).


David SolerDavid Soler made a research trip to Strathmore University (Nairobi, Kenya, 02/23-09/03/2020).


ATLANTES Programme
Carlos CentenoMaría ArantzamendiAntonio NogueraCarlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi and Antonio Noguera
participated in the workshop of Integration of Palliative Care Teams of Navarra of the Palliative Care Society of Navarra (PALIAN) with two presentations (21/02/2020, Pamplona).

Beatriz Gómez BaceiredoBeatriz Gómez Baceiredo attended the 1st International congress of Communication and Marketing in Palliative Care of the technical school de Enfermeria de Coimbra where he gave the communication 'What do the average say about Palliative Care in Spain?', (Coimbra, Portugal, 21-22/02/2020).

Data Science Unit
Jesús López FidalgoJesús López Fidalgo
presented the discussion paper 'Robust Learning for Classification' at the St Eering Workshop 2020 Statistics and Innovation for Industry 4.0, (Florence, Italy, 20-21/02/2020).



