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Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (March 2014)

28/03/14 12:47 ICS

Public discourse

Jan Zienkowski participated in the 13th DiscourseNet meeting, "Discourse Studies in the Social Sciences: Towards a Dialogue between Theory and Analysis 13th DiscourseNet meeting". It was held from March 20 to 22 at the University of Warwick (UK) and was organized by the network DiscourseNet, of which this researcher is a member.



Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Jokin de Irala intervened in three discussions on the value of waiting. They were at the high school Mayor Goimendi (March 18) and in Belagua (March 28), with young people; and in Valladolid (March 22), with parents. high school Mayor Belagua (March 28), with young people; and in Valladolid (March 22), with parents.




Natural law and rationality internship

Julia Urabayen is teaching at framework of the Erasmus scholarships at the Universidade do Porto (Portugal), from March 31 to April 2.




Navarra Center for International Development

Álvaro Morcillo participated in a course at the Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, University of Manchester, March 12-14. It was entitled "Structural Equation Modelling with MPlus".




Luis Ravina was invited to the event 'development with equity. Reducing Inequality in Income Countries average. Contributions to the diary post2015". It was organized by the Government of Spain and the Spanish Cooperation Agency at the University of Salamanca on March 20-21.




Pedro Mendi explained "The World Bank's Kenya Innovation Survey" at UNCTAD's Multi-year expert meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 20. It was part of the session "Investment, innovation and entrepreneurship for productive capacity-building and sustainable development". He also presented his research "Informality and innovation" at the UN-MERIT (Maastrich).



Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat Herrero y Jaume Aurell  attended the Fourth Conference of The European Consortium for Humanities Institutes and Centers (ECHIC), which took place in Porto (Portugal) from March 3 to 5.



