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A former student of Master's Degree at design Architectural, winner of an urban redevelopment competition.

José María Méndez Barragán worked on the project remodeling of the Santa Lucía Park (Jerez de los Caballeros).

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José María Méndez and Feliciano Ciria in the park of Santa Lucía PHOTO: Courtesy
28/03/18 14:08 Leire Zubieta

José María Méndez Barragán, former student of the Master's Degree in design Arquitectónico de la School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, won the Project Competition for the Remodeling of the Santa Lucia Park (Jerez de los Caballeros - Badajoz). The goal of the competition was to condition and improve the park of Santa Lucia, after the process that has involved the recovery of the section of the wall that collapsed in March 2010.

Méndez, winner of the competition, explains project: "It aims to recover the continuity of the park and introduce new uses to make Santa Lucía a place to live, where people come to enjoy. My goal was to enhance the value of this important area of the city, and above all, the trails and the context that can be seen from this area of the wall".

Jerez's project will be carried out in two phases. The first of these will begin in June-July and will have a budget of €200,000 at budget . In this stage they will urbanize the park, creating a paved area that will join the two entrances. In addition, they will establish a hierarchy of squares "spinning" the different leisure spaces.

The second phase will incorporate elements to expand the use of the park and will address landscape issues with the goal to contextualize its status as a viewpoint and to contemplate the natural environment of Jerez de los Caballeros.

The jury was composed of representatives of high school Official Architects of Badajoz, the board of Extremadura, the Provincial Council and the City Council of Jerez. The first deputy mayor, Feliciano Ciria, announced the decision.

Méndez finished his programs of study of Master's Degree in design Architectural in December 2016, being part of the XVI Promotion. The Jerez native showed his gratitude to the teachers for transmitting "discipline,will and the desire to be better and better", and considers his passage through the School as "a very productive and stimulating learning period".



