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V FYM Italcementi Group FYM Contest opens

The University and FYM-Italcementi will award for the fifth year the best project of architecture with employment concrete.

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16/05/16 12:29 Nagore Gil

The School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and FYM Italcementi Group announce the V FYM Italcementi Group Contest, which rewards the project that, due to its quality, innovation, originality or creativity, best highlights the use of concrete within an architectural project .

The competition is aimed at any architecture student who is enrolled and submits its work Final de Degree (TFG) during the academic year 2015-2016 and to any architect recently graduate, with a maximum of three years of professional practice counted from the date of approval of the TFG.

The deadline to send the documentation is June 10, 2016.

scholarship for the Master's Degree at design Architectural

A jury made up of two professors from School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, representatives of FYM Italcementi Group and two other prestigious architects will meet during the month of June to analyze the proposals submitted and decide on the award. The author of the winning project will obtain a scholarship to study the Master's Degree in design Architectural taught at campus Pamplona.

The winner of last year's contest, scholarship , was Juan José Tenorio, from School of Architecture in Granada. Two runner-up prizes were also awarded to Juan Pedro García, from the School of Architecture of Granada, and Cristina Burgos, from the University of Navarra.

Around 30 young architects from Spain, Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru and Colombia entered this competition in its previous edition, which is the result of a agreement-framework of partnership signed by FYM Italcementi Group and the University of Navarra for the training of students and graduates, and for research. 



