Fabbiana Lamboglia, 4th year PPE student, participates in IRENA Youth Forum in Abu Dhabi
She was selected along with 200 other young people, among more than 50,000 applications to participate

More than 200 young people from around the world recently participated in the IRENA Youth Forum, an international forum organized by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in Abu Dhabi. Fabbiana Lamboglia, a 4th year student of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra, and a native of Venezuela, was selected among the more than 50,000 people who applied to participate in this forum.
During the meeting, some of the main global challenges related to renewable energy and sustainability were discussed. "When they accepted my application, I realized that young people with profiles like mine, more oriented to finance and public policy design , also have an important role to play in the energy transition and that we can bring an interdisciplinary perspective to this important global challenge," he explains. Throughout the forum, participants were able to reflect and discuss issues related to the energy transition, such as the need to triple renewable energy by 2030 and global energy equity. "I was particularly attracted by the discussion on whether this goal is really fair for all countries and whether it guarantees equitable access to renewable energies," he explains. The role of hydrogen as acore topic source core topic for decarbonization or how some countries can contribute in a special way to the energy transformation was also discussed: "I was struck by the importance of emerging economies and how youth can be a core topic catalyst in this process, bringing innovation and new perspectives".
As our student explains, this experience has not only provided her with a deeper knowledge of renewable energy, but also allowed her to come into contact with other young and influential leaders from around the world. "My participation in the forum has given me a global view of the challenges and opportunities of the energy transition. I have been able to build a valuable network of international contacts and better understand how young people can make a difference in the fight against climate change," he explains.
As a student of the Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE), she says that the academic training she is receiving at the University of Navarra has allowed her to approach these issues from amultidisciplinary approach : "Studying PPE has taught me to understand global problems from different perspectives. The integration of economic, political and ethical aspects in issues such as renewable energies and sustainability has allowed me to analyze not only the problems, but also the most viable solutions from all areas". On the other hand, he stressed that "the training received, the values instilled in the classroom, the curricular trips we have made in the Degree and the multicultural environment of the University have prepared me very well to act and contribute in international scenarios, with ethics and respect, valuing all points of view".
Regarding the role of young people in building a more sustainable future, Fabbiana points out that "we have a unique responsibility. We were born into a technologically advanced world and face environmental and social challenges that directly affect our lives." To them, he encourages them to live experiences similar to his and not to underestimate their ability to influence these spaces: "Sometimes we think that our ideas cannot have a real impact, but it is important to be attentive to calls for proposals and join youth organizations. As PPE students, we have a unique training that allows us to bring innovative solutions to global challenges."