Se editan dos volúmenes de los Cuadernos Doctorales de la Facultad de Derecho Canónico y de la Facultad Eclesiástica de Filosofía
Two volumes of the Doctoral Notebooks published
They collect excerpts from 9 thesis doctoral theses defended at both centers.
Two new issues of the Cuadernos Doctorales of the School of Canon Law and of the School Eclesiastica of Philosophy of the University of Navarra have been published. Both periodicals contain extracts from thesis doctoral dissertations defended at both centers.
Specifically, volume 24 of 'Excerpta e Dissertationibus in Ure Canonico' collects excerpts from the following works: 'The Diocesan Synod of Bishop Lepe: juridical study', by Ignacio Granado Hijelmo; 'Crime of desecration of the Eucharistic species from its antecedents to the Normae de gravioribus delictis of 2010', by Dariusz Rogowski; 'The pastoral care of the Eastern Catholic faithful by the Latin Church: Administration of the Sacraments of Christian Initiation and Marriage', by Rafal Holubowicz; 'Régimen jurídico del factor religioso en Bolivia', by Miguel Gómez Rosales; and 'Los protagonistas de la revista Ius canonicum, by Eduardo José Guerrero Pérez.
On the other hand, volume 22 of 'Excerpta e Dissertationibus in Philosophia' includes excerpts from four thesis : 'Arte e Prudência em João Poinsot (João de São Tomás)', by José Rafael Espírito Santo; 'El buen gobernante en la antigüedad clásica. Indagación de un approach sapiencial en Plutarco', by Ricardo Rovira Reich; 'La Philosophy poética de Antonio Machado', by José María García Castro; and 'La Universidad en el project sapiencial de Alasdair MacIntyre', by José Manuel Giménez Amaya.
The Cuadernos Doctorales of the School of Canon Law have been published since 1983 and those of the School Eclesiastica of Philosophy, since 1991.