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Students discover Piedad de la Cierva

Since its inauguration at the Main Library of the University of Navarra, the sample Piedad de la Cierva: pioneer, visionary and scientist has been visit by schools in Pamplona. With activities adapted to each level, students have discovered the career of this scientist from Murcia and the role of women in science.

05 | 03 | 2025

Since its inauguration on November 19, the exhibition Piedad de la Cierva: pioneer, visionary and scientist, at the Main Library of the University of Navarra, has been visit by primary and secondary schools Education Pamplona. Through activities designed for each level, students have been able to approach the life and bequest of this outstanding scientist from Murcia.

Primary school students enjoyed a storytelling session position theater student Mario Ausejo Subdi, who, through a dynamic narration, introduced them to the history of Piedad de la Cierva and her contributions to science. For their part, high school students participated in talks organized by theWomen for Science group , which addressed the challenges and advances made by women in the scientific field, inspired by the example of the researcher.

The sample, organized by the Center for programs of study Josemaría Escrivá in partnership with the Science Museum, the University Museum and Women for Science, has established itself as a space of knowledge dissemination that not only highlights the achievements of Piedad de la Cierva in fields such as X, optical glass and refractory bricks, but also invites reflection on the role of women in science.

A bequest that continues to inspire

After passing through Pamplona, the exhibition will move to Los Tiloshigh school in Vallecas (Madrid) in mid-March, with the goal of bringing the figure of Piedad de la Cierva to more young people. Her story is a testimony of perseverance and passion for knowledge at a time when opportunities for women in science were scarce. Her determination to overcome barriers and her dedication to research continue to be a reference for new generations. Through this traveling exhibition , her bequest lives on, motivating students to explore the world of science and to follow their own paths, no matter the challenges.



