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"The management by projects teaches you to work on group, something that core topic at consultancy service"

Students from Degree in management Aplicada stand out in the junior and senior categories of the "University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition".

FotoCedida/AnaBlanco, Jimena Nuñez, Jacqueline Saulog during the last JUNNUC presentation

29 | 05 | 2024

Students of the Degree in management Aplicada have participated during this academic year in the activities organized by the Case Competition Club of the School of Economics of the University of Navarra. Divided into different categories, according to their university year, ISSA School of Applied Management students have stood out among the participants, obtaining the first position in both the junior and senior categories.

Junior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition (JUNNUC)

A year ago, Jimena Nuñez, Ana Blanco and Jacqueline Saulog, now sophomores at Degree in management Applied, decided to enter the Junior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition (JUNNUC), the University of Navarra's case-solving competition. Although they admit that they paid the hazing fee and that the experience was more demanding and complicated than they first thought, this year they decided to try again.

For three weeks, the students met to solve the exercises presented to them and prepare the defense of their proposal before the jury. For them, studying at ISSA School of Applied Management made a difference in the way they thought and acted in the case competition. "We have found that, thanks to the Degree in management Applied, we have very useful tools for the consultancy service, as we have knowledge in areas as diverse as Finance, Communication or Law," explains Ana Blanco. They also argue that the Degree courses are "like pieces" that have helped them to "put together the puzzle" of each case.

They also emphasize that the work project-based methodology (PBL) facilitates the analysis and application of knowledge in circumstances such as those faced during the competition. "The management by projects teaches you to work in group, something that is core topic in the consultancy service because each person contributes in a different way," says Jimena Nuñez. They also highlight the parallels between project-based work and case resolution. "In both scenarios you are given some parameters and you are expected to solve them by contributing innovation and critical thinking," concludes Jacqueline Saulog.

Senior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition

Francisco Malave, Agustín Chaparro (on the left) at the final SUNNUC exhibition

JUNNUC winners have the opportunity to participate in the Senior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition (SUNNUC). This is the case of Francisco Malave and Agustín Chaparro, third year students of Degree in management Applied. The exercises they have to face deal with problems of large international companies. Malave explains that the complexity of the topics covered was such that it took them several days to solve a case: "You have to know the basis and structure of thinking. You have to bring solutions to the business, whether they are from subject creative or more analytical".

Malave considers that, of all that has been learned, there are two issues that will remain for life: first, learning the case-based methodology; second, that a good structure is the basis of a good work.

As he begins his fourth and final year at degree program, he assures that consultancy service is "to show a storytelling that is clear and maintains the values of business", while not closing his mind to the idea of dedicating himself professionally to this sector in the future: "The essence is to help people and their businesses".



