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61 pre-university students participate in the 'International Management World' course

The tenth edition of the series organized by ISSA School of Applied Management was held in classroom and online format.

FotoManuelCastells/The attendees, with their diplomas at the end of the course.

25 | 06 | 2021

A total of 61 students from high school diploma and 4th of ESO, 27 in modality and 34 online, have participated in the intensive week in English International Management World organized by ISSA School of Applied Management of the University of Navarra. The aim of the activity, now in its tenth edition, goal , is to bring students closer to university life and introduce them to the reality of business in order to help them make a decision about their future. The participants came from 12 Spanish provinces and three other countries: Navarra, Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, La Rioja, Barcelona, Cadiz, Seville, Cantabria, La Coruña, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Ibiza, France, Croatia and Germany.

The content of the course revolved around training in Languages and management and Business Communication, pillars of Degree in management Applied Management. The sessions covered topics such as business management, event organization, intercultural communication, marketing and e-commerce.

The course has been taught entirely in English by language and other subject teachers from Degree, two university students, as well as guests with professional experience and professor.

A new experience

Adrián Gayol Álvarez

2nd of high school diploma. Hesse, Germany (online)

"The teachers knew from the very first moment how to arouse our attention and managed to offer us a wide range of management topics during all the teaching hours", says Adrian, who has lived in Germany since he was born 18 years ago, who admits that he would have liked to be in Pamplona and evaluates the course: "In general, it has been a very positive experience and I recommend it to other students". Satisfied with the whole, he highlights "the session of staff Branding because I was able to re-evaluate different aspects of my character".

Sofia Junquera Tejeda

1st of high school diploma. Barcelona (classroom)

Sofía liked the course very much "not only because it is English, but also because of the varied subject matter: management, communication, they even taught us some Chinese". But especially "the events and language sessions, and the one on Iran because it is very important to learn about other areas of the world because we live in a global world".


Sara Macaya Pitarch

1º high school diploma international. Castellón (classroom)

Sara has participated in the course because the video of her group (high school Agora high school Lledó International School of Castellón) was chosen in the draw of competition Vidiomas 2021: "We had a great time and it was also a good experience to be with classmates outside class". Regarding the International Management World, he says that "it is a good experience to get to know what the university is like and to be in their classes".


Garikoitz Ollo Cía.

1st of high school diploma. Pamplona (classroom)

For Garikoitz, the experience has served to "get to know the university and what degree program is like". Of the sessions, the Chinese one stands out for its curious and original content, but also the one given by two students from Degree in management Applied-Applied Management for the exhibition they did.



