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ICS researchers Luis Ravina and Ruth Breeze receive the Silver Medal of the University of Navarra.

They received the award in recognition of their 25 years of professional dedication to the academic center.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/01/15 13:41 ICS

Two members of the Institute for Culture and Society have received the Silver Medal of the University of Navarra in the 2014-2015 academic year in recognition of their 25 years of professional dedication at the academic center.

This is Luis Ravina, researcher principal of the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID)and Ruth Breeze, researcher at project Public discourse and professor at institute of modern languages.

A total of 113 University professionals received the award: 105 from campus in Pamplona and San Sebastián and 8 from IESE Business School.



