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"The Red Cross course increases the sense of community, cooperation and citizen solidarity, as well as responsibility staff"

Ana Sesma, student of School Nursing, tells about her experience in the program "training basic in first aid and emergencies".

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Red Cross, Tantaka and School of Nursing have collaborated in the implementation of the course "training basic in relief and emergencies". A theoretical experience and internship with which students develop basic knowledge to respond to emergency situations or health problems of everyday life. In addition, the program provides the opportunity to provide a service to society and to deepen the fundamental values of training in Nursing. Ana Sesma, one of the participating students, tells us about her experience.

Could you briefly explain the dynamics of the course?
The course consists of a theoretical part and a part internship. These add up to 20 classroom hours that are given on Saturdays. Each class is divided into two modules, at the beginning the teacher gives the theory, clarifies doubts and then moves on to the second part in which real cases are simulated to become familiar with how to act in an emergency and with the procedures of land rescuers. As a result, class is more dynamic and the theoretical and practical contents are integrated.

Once all the classroom classes have been completed, we carry out a written online test as well as a case of a patient with polytrauma and a practical exam of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). All this training is complemented with 10 ambulance trips.

What has it given you?
At the level of staff it has given me the knowledge to act in emergency situations in such a way that I know how to quickly recognize the seriousness of the patient as well as the first interventions that can be carried out safely. In addition, it has given me more confidence to face this subject of circumstances.

Do you think that taking the course financial aid will help you to deepen the values necessary for your training as a nursing professional?
Yes, the course enables us to work with a vocation of service and respect for the dignity of the patient and his/her environment. On the other hand, it opens the way for the professional volunteer activities in which we can put the specialized knowledge we acquired in the degree program and in the course at the service of organizations of financial aid social as Red Cross Navarra. Finally, the program increases the sense of community, cooperation and citizen solidarity, as well as responsibility staff.

Would you recommend other nursing students to do so?
Without a doubt. In fact, a second call has already been organized and I have encouraged my colleagues to do it. Although it means an increase in the weekly work staff , I think it is worth the effort, as the knowledge and skills acquired are part of the competencies that are assumed in the nursing professional.

In what way?
This course complements the training we receive at School. In addition, the practices and the opportunity to go out in the ambulance provide us with a real and practical knowledge and the conditions to develop, for example, agility and skill in the procedures, in the recognition of signs and symptoms of vital urgency, etc. I believe that everything we are taught in the program can be applied to any emergency status .

By taking this program, you can apply for the degree scroll of certificate for the Land Lifeguard. In your case, are you going to ask for it?
Yes, I think that having this certificate can be useful if we want to work in this field. It is a complement to our training. In addition, the special situations that this course raises can be very useful because although the rotation of practices in the School is very extensive it may happen that they have not been made in emergencies and emergencies and the course financial aid to know the "know-how" of the terrestrial rescuer.



