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NCID experts collaborate with initiative to train future African economists in Benin

The researcher Luis Alberiko Gil Alaña and the researcher non-resident Robert Mudida will teach class at the African School of Economics.

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30/01/17 10:51 Natalia Rouzaut

Experts from the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) of the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) are collaborating in Benin with the African School of Economics (ASE) in the training of future African economists. They are researcher Luis Alberiko Gil Alaña and researcher non-resident Robert Mudida, professor at Strathmore University (Kenya).

This partnership has been materialized in the signature of the 'Memorandum of Undrestanding', by which the ICS center and the ASE commit to collaborate in initiatives of research and training.

The NCID wants to strengthen its link with these countries and institutions. With this idea in mind, Gil Alaña advances the project that "talented professionals can come to campus in Pamplona and make a doctorate in Economics of development".

For this very reason, the researcher -whose line of research focuses on the macroeconomic stability of sub-Saharan Africa- has welcomed under its direction several students from Master's Degree of the ASE, whom it will advise to research on "issues of economic and monetary integration between West African countries - Mali, Togo, Benin, Nigeria- or countries with the same language or all issues related to macroeconomics, macroeconomic stability of these countries".



