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Nine international students give lectures on their country to more than 500 schoolchildren

The 'Borders Down' program, of the Government of Navarra, aims at the cultural enrichment of the students of Education Secondary School.

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Talk at Julio Caro Baroja High School PHOTO: Courtesy
30/04/14 13:13 Chus Cantalapiedra

Nine international students from the University of Navarra have given twenty talks to more than 500 schoolchildren from different towns in the region. These talks are part of the 'Borders Down' program of the Department of Education, with which Tantaka, the solidarity time bank of the University of Navarra, collaborates.

The aim of this program is to encourage, through the work of volunteer activities, that secondary school students from Navarre enter contact with university students from other cultures. The talks took place between October and April.

The nine students, from seven different nationalities (Germany, Puerto Rico, Panama, Canada, France, the United States and Singapore), talked about life in their respective countries, their social and gastronomic customs, and encouraged high school students to go abroad to study. The one-hour talks were given in their native languages: English, French and German.

The Navarre schools that have taken part in this program are: Liceo Monjardín, IES Toki Ona BHI, Miravalles-El Redín, IESO Bardenas Reales, IES Navarro Villoslada, IES EGA, IES Sancho III El Mayor, IESO Ochagavía, IES Julio Caro Baroja, IES Biurdana, Sta. Teresa de Jesús, IES Lekaroz, Santísimo Sacramento and high school del Sagrado Corazón.

The nine international students who participated in the volunteer activities are:

Leonard Wedel (Germany)
María Alessia Pérez (Puerto Rico)
Carolina Matoso (Panama)
Salina Kouch (Canada)
Sophie-Claire Morse Rio (France)
Stephanie Smart (United States)
Kho Han Jie Fabian (Singapore)
Mckenzie Osborne (United States)
Frédéric Dion (Canada)



