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45 University students awarded scholarships for international internships in nine non-EU countries

Students from Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja have received the Global Internship Program scholarships, awarded by Caja Rural at partnership with Career Services.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
30/04/18 13:57

45 students from the University of Navarra will carry out international internships thanks to the Global Internship Program scholarships granted by Caja Rural at partnership with Career Services of the academic center.

Australia, Canada, Chile, USA, Hong Kong, India, Kenya, Mexico and Peru will be the nine destinations where the university students, who come from Navarra, the Basque Country and La Rioja and belong to the Schools and schools of Architecture, Education and Psychology, Nursing, Engineering and Medicine, will spend their stay.

At the ceremony of submission of the scholarships, which are in their ninth edition, the president of Caja Rural de Navarra, Ignacio Terés, congratulated the students and said that "the first work experience is very important, because financial aid to know new points of view and grow staff and professionally".

"We would like to thank Caja Rural for this commitment to you and your projects," added the University's Alumni Vice President , Tomás Gómez-Acebo, who took the opportunity to congratulate them: "Enjoy the experience and make the most of your time and this great opportunity".

The Global Internship Program aims to promote internships for university students in foreign companies and promote its internationalization. For the selection of interns, the academic transcript , the level of language of the host country, the curriculum vitae and the quality of the work plan offered by the host business were taken into account.

In the submission also participated the director Institutional Relations of Caja Rural, Ricardo Goñi; and the director Career Services, Roberto Cabezas.



