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Institute for Culture and SocietyParticipation in activities in other centers and universities (June 2023)

ICS researchers and internal collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

30 | 06 | 2023

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno attended the symposium "Resource-oriented palliative care" organized by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois where he offered the lecture "Gratitude as a resource for professionals and patients in palliative care". (Lausanne, Switzerland, 12-14/06/2023).

Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Alazne Belar, Vilma Tripodoro, Eduardo Garralda, Álvaro Montero, Edgar Benítez, Diego Candelmi, Ana Carvajal, María Iriarte, María Martínez, Ana Larumbe and Cristina Otano attended the 18th World Congress "Equity and Diversity" of the European Association for Palliative Care as speakers at the following sessions (Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 15-17/06/2023):

- Carlos Centeno and María ArantzamendiPalliative Professionals' Experiences of Receiving Gratitude: A Protective Resource from Patients and Families" and "Presence of Gratitude in Palliative Care daily practice".

- Vilma TripodoroThe following articles were published: "Palliative Professionals' Experiences of Receiving Gratitude: A Protective Resource from Patients and Families", "Visiting Restrictions during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Bereaved Relatives' Quality of Life" and "Professionals' Self-Efficacy in Advanced and Shared Care Planning in Argentina: Cultural Validation of the ACP-SEs Scale".

- Alazne Belar, Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi: "Palliative Sedation at the End-of-Life: Family Caregivers and Health Care Professionals' Distress", "Facilitators and Barriers during Decision Making of Palliative Sedation: Experiences of Relatives and Health Care Professionals" and "Bereaved Relatives and their Experiences Participating in an Interview Concerning Palliative Sedation: A Qualitative Study in 5 European Countries". 

- Alazne Belar, Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Ana Larumbe, Diego CandelmiClinical Experiences using the "Patient Dignity Question (PDQ)".


- Carlos Centeno, María Arantzamendi, Marina MartínezThe following articles were published: "Increasing Competency in Research for Palliative Care Professionals - Experiences from an International Training", "Basic Research Competencies for Palliative Care - European Experts Consultation" and "Research for All Palliative Care Clinicians: An International Study".

- Carlos Centeno, María Iriarte, Cristina Otano, and Ana Carvajal"Updating the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS-FS) into Spanish with the Two New Scales to Explore Financial and Spiritual Distress" and "Spiritual Pain and Financial Distress in Advanced Cancer Patients. A Feasibility Study Using the New Spanish Version of ESAS-FS".

- Eduardo GarraldaCarlo Centeno, Álvaro Montero and Edgar Benítez: "How to Reveal the Current State of Palliative Care to International Stakeholders? Inferences from an e-Survey among Users of the ATLANTES Observatory".

- Alvaro Montero, Eduardo Garralda, Vilma Tripodoro, Edgar Benitez, and Carlos Centeno: "Democratizing Global Palliative Care Information: An Innovative Interactive Web Tool for All". 

-Eduardo Garralda: "Updated EAPC Framework on Palliative Sedation: What's New?"


Public discourse 

Ruth Breeze presented the discussion paper entitled "Teaching note-taking in EMI: An experimental study in Economics and Business Administration" at the IV ICLHE Regional Group Symposium Supporting Teaching and Learning: from policies to students" organized by the University of Zaragoza, (Zaragoza, Spain, 8-9/06/2023).

In addition, together with Ana María Fernández Vallejo attended the congress International AELFE-LSPCC Genres and Languages in Digital Environments: Trends and New Directions Breeze presented the discussion paper entitled "Our Unique Mission: Exploring the Lexis of University Press releases through Corpus Linguistics". Fernández, for his part, discussed the topic "Visual strategies for sustainability communication on corporate websites: an analysis of the multimodal speech in the hotel sector". (Zaragoza, Spain 28-30/06/2023).

Ana María Fernández Vallejo also presented a paper entitled "Critical digital literacy skills: COVID-19, xenophobia and fake news" at the I congress International Conference on Communication in the digital society "Challenges in the age of disinformation". (Online, 29-30/06/2023).

Eleonora Esposito organized and moderated the session "Is the EU doing enough to tackle gender-based and cyber violence" at the Digital Services Act (DSA) Stakeholder event organized by the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission (Brussels, Belgium, 27/07/2023).

Dámaso Izquierdo gave the talk "The role of non-regulated teaching in the evolution and current status of Spanish as a foreign language in Estonia language " at the 7th International Conference Sustainable Multilingualism organized by the Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania, 9-10/06/2023).

He also participated in the International Inter-association "History of Language Teaching Conference" with the exhibition of his talk "The transformation of the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language language in different educational environments in Estonia: historical analysis" at the Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal, 28-30/06/2023).

He also made a research stay at the Latvian Academy of Culture at the framework of the international project Spanish in Europe: "Demography of the speakers of a language". (Riga, Latvia, 12-16/06/2023).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality

Martiño Rodríguez attended the II conference of linguistic conflict and mediation organized by the group ESPRINT at the University of Valencia. There he offered the lecture "Theoretical and methodological questions in the analysis of couple therapy corpora". (Valencia, Spain, 1-2/06/2023).

He also attended the annual course of training for professionals and volunteers linked to family counseling centers hosted by the Episcopal Commission for the Laity, Family and Life - Episcopal Subcommission for the Family and Defense of Life (Madrid, Spain, 10/06/2023).

He also gave a talk on "Couples therapy: communion, the deepest longing behind the wounds" at the summer course "Apego" organized by the Magda Arnold Society (Madrid, Spain, 11/06/2023).

In addition, she participated in the 54th International Annual Meeting: "Reshaping the social representation of phsycotherapy: an engagement with public mental health" with four lectures on four papers: "Impact of Emotionally-Focused Therapy on relationship quality and psychological health in Spanish-speaking couples. Data from RCT-E(f)FECTS project"; "Therapeutic alliance and dyadic adjustment in Emotionally-Focused Couple Therapy in Spanish speaking countries"; "Epistemic trust, attachment, reflective functioning: Exploring Couples in the E(f)FECTS Study" and "Are therapist and supervisor experience levels associated with treatment response and improvements in outcomes? Findings from a randomized controlled trial of couple therapy: E(f)FFECTS Project" (Dublin, Ireland, 21-24/06/2023).

Youth in transition 

Aurelio Fernández started a research stay at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium, 9/06/2023-11/03/2024).


Cecilia Serrano  attended the 11th Conference on Emerging Adulthood hosted by The Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA) to present the poster "Spanish emerging adults between marriage and commitment" and the Paper "Adult Identity and flourishing: a mixed-method study in Spanish emerging adults" (San Diego, United States, 15-17/06/2023). 



José Ignacio Murillo spent a stay as visiting professor at the Université Paul Sabatier at the Centre de Recherche sur la Cognition Animale (Toulouse, France, 06-20/06/2023).

He also attended, together with Javier BernácerThe course will be held at the summer course "Technological Challenges of Neuroscience and its Ethical Dimension" to give the invited talk "Life, the Mental and the Limits of Bioengineering" (Santander, Spain, 25-29/06/2023).

Bernácer co-organized the course together with the International Center for Neuroscience and Ethics (CINET) and at partnership with the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP). There he moderated three round tables within the framework of the event organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University: "Are there biological, technological or ethical frontiers for Applied Engineering to the brain?", "To what extent can an in vitro material develop mental activity?" and "To what extent is it technically and ethically possible to regenerate a damaged central nervous system?". 

Fran Güell gave four oral lectures at the ESHRE 39th Annual Meeting organized by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embriology (Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-28/06/2023).

Gonzalo Arrondo y Ursula Paiva participated in XXIV congress Virtual International of Psychiatry, Psychology and Mental Health Interpsiquis 2023 organized by There they gave the poster "Prevalence of mental disorders in university students: protocol of an umbrella review" and the oral communication "Evidence on preventive measures and programs for the problematic use of video games (gaming): review of systematic reviews, goal-analysis and consensus documents". (Online, 22/05-02/06/2023).

Nathaniel Barrett offered the lecture "The contested boundaries of value in nature" at the 2023 IARPT Conference hosted by the Institute for American Religious and Philosophical Thought (IARPT) (Berlin, Germany, 12-15/06/2023).

Javier Sánchez-Cañizares attended the Sixth Annual Conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists "Critical Issues at the Intersection of Science and Faith" to present the poster "Exploring the Role of the Maximum Entropy Production Principle in Understanding Causation and the Mind-Brain Problem". (New Jersey, USA, 2-4/06/2023).


Links, creativity and culture

Inés Olza came to the University of Vigo to the 32nd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference to give his talk "Systemic functional approaches, cognitive approaches, or both? Recent developments in gesture analysis". (Vigo, Spain, 15-17/06/2023).

He also participated in the 16th Researching and Applying Metaphor Conference with the lecture "Literally: Drawing the boundaries of figurativity in large samples of public discourse". (Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 28-30/06/2023).

Anna Dulska attended the IV conference UNED Lugo Sin Fronteras: Polonia as speaker of the session "Claves históricas para comprender Polonia". (Lugo, Spain, 29/06/2023). 

Albert Recasens offered the lecture "The devotion of the Forty Hours in Seventeenth-Century Hispanic Cathedrals: structure, performance practice and spaces" during the Biennial Baroque Geneva 2023 organized by the Haute école de musique de Genève. Offered at lecture(Geneva, Switzerland, 6/29/2023). 

Ana Belén Martínez attended the congress "Addressing Statelessness in Europe: Closing Protection Gaps and Realising Everyone's Right to a Nationality" organized by the European Network on Statelessness with the partnership of the Cepaim Foundation at the Complutense University of Madrid (Madrid, Spain, 8-9/06/2023).

He also participated in the virtual session "Migratory trajectories and artistic practices" of the SET Centre CIO (Online,12-06/2023). 

In addition, he attended virtually the LSE Festival What Would a Fairer Society Look Like? at the London School of Economics (Online, 06/17/2023).

Finally, she was part of Working Group 5: "Human Stories for Humane Reactions" and of a roundtable on empathy and testimonial narratives of migrants in their artistic facets at the Hidden Conference organized by the COST Action History of Identity Documentation in European Nation at Maynooth University, (Maynooth, Ireland, 21-22/06/2023).

Religion and Civil Society 

Mercedes Montero participated as chair and speaker in the Sixth Conference of EuARe (European Academy of Religion) at the University of St. Andrews. The degree scroll of the panel she organized was "Women in Opus Dei: Catholic Context, Gender Discourse and Achievements". Her specific dissertation was "Women of Opus Dei in the Academic World (1943-1983)." (Scotland, UK 19-23/06/2023).

Civic Humanism 

José María Torralba, Emma Cohen De Lara y Vianney Domingo attended the congress "Character and virtue. Education in Europe: Challenges and opportunities" organized by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria; the European Character and virtue Association and the University of Birmingham. They offered the session "Civic Humanism Center. Establishing a research and transference center on liberal education, character development, and professionalism in Spain". They also offered the discussion paper 'Leadership as Service: The experience of developing a character education program for university students in the Spanish context" together with Álvaro Lleó, (Madrid, Spain, 28-30/06/2023).



