Institute for Culture and Society: participation in activities of other centers and universities (July 2014)
Emotional culture and identity
Claudia Wassmann spoke on 'Children's emotions and the Great War' at the 3rd Annual Conference of the Australian Historical Association, held at the University of Queensland under the degree scroll 'Conflict in History' from July 7-11.
Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality
Jokin de Irala gave the discussion paper 'Education for the love of a digital youth: the project YOURLIFE' in the summer course 'Social framework and psychological and educational strategies to use in a changing society', organized from June 30 to July 4 at the UNED in Barbastro (Aragon).
group 'Mind-brain'
Javier Sánchez Cañizares participated from July 16 to 18 in the congress 'Evolution and Historical Explanation: Contingency, Convergence and Teleology', organized by the Ian Ramsey Centre in Oxford.
Religion and Civil Society
Montserrat Herrero offered the lecture 'Violence and order. Una extraña complexio oppositorum' at the summer course 'Esplendor y sombra sobre a Europa. De Grande Guerra, ou da grande tragedia (1914-1918)' at the Universidade Catolica de Lisboa, which took place from July 1 to 4. He also spoke on 'Political languages: the power of language in the definition of the political as an agonistic space' in the course 'Democracy in Spain: End of consensus and rise of conflict?' (July 8-10), part of the XXVII Summer Courses of the Complutense University.