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Published on issue 25 (2021) of "La Perinola. Annual review of research quevediana".

The journal has once again renewed the Quality Seal of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in 2021.

FotoCedida/Cover of issue 25 of the magazine La Perinola

Just published the issue 25 of La Perinola. Annual magazine of research quevedianahas just been published, corresponding to the current year 2021. The volume opens with the section "programs of study", which includes five scientific articles (by Ignacio Arellano, Antonio Azaustre Galiana, Beatrice Garzelli, Emmanuel Marigno and Fernando Plata). In addition, the "Varia" section includes another eight papers (by Pedro Álvarez de Miranda, José Manuel Corredoira Viñuela, Francisco Javier Escobar Borrego, Claudia Lora Márquez, Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla, José Servera Baño, María José Tobar Quintanar and Gabriel María Verd Conradi, SI). The volume is completed with the usual "Reviews", "News" and "Analytical summary" sections. In addition, as in every issue since the beginning of the magazine, original illustrations by the artist Amabel Míguez de la Sierra, inspired on this occasion by labyrinths, have been included. A noteworthy feature of this issue La Perinola is the broadening of the field of study, admitting, from this volume onwards, other research on the poetry of the Golden Age in general, which will be published in the "Varia" section. 

La Perinola, journal of the group de research Siglo de Oro (GRISO) directed by Dr. Ignacio Arellano and whose secretary is Dr. J. Enrique Duarte, is indexed with the highest category in Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science, Arts and Humanities Citation Index). Edited by the Publications Service of the University of Navarra, this year 2021 has once again renewed the Seal of Quality publishing house and Scientific Quality of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) in the framework of the VII Call for assessment of journals, a seal that it has maintained uninterruptedly since it was awarded in 2011.



