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Configure Eduroam wifi on your devices

31 | 01 | 2024

Configure Eduroam wifi on your devices

IT Services sigue trabajando para mejorar la conexión a la red wifi Eduroam, evitando que lo hagamos de manera poco segura o poniendo en peligro nuestras credenciales.

For this reason, we continue to help everyone to connect their devices (laptop, mobile or tablet) to our wireless network , using applications such as geteduroam or eduroam CAT, which help us to establish a secure connection.

For a proper use of the service, please configure your connection following the instructions for each device::


If you need financial aid to set up the connection, you can go to a
IT Services Information Point during the following hours.

Friends: Monday to Friday, from 12h. a 15h.
Hexagon BuildingFriends: Monday to Friday, from 13h. a 15h.
Tecnun (Hall PC rooms): monday and thursday, from 13.30h. a 15h.



