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Institute for Culture and Societyparticipation in activities at other centers and universities (October 2022)

ICS researchers and collaborators participated online and in person in activities organized by institutions in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Estonia, France, Finland, Guatemala, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the United States, and Guatemala.

31 | 10 | 2022

ATLANTES Global Observatory of Palliative Care

Carlos Centeno Cortés went to Ottawa to participate in a scientific meeting with the invited discussion paper "A Portrait of Palliative Care Internationally" (Ottawa, Canada, 10/29/2022).

He also participated in the X conference "Vínculos e Incertidumbre" organized by the Sociedad Spanish y Leonesa de Cuidados Paliativos (PACYL) in Ponferrada. He offered the closing lecture 'Links and Difficult Sedation' (Ponferrada, Spain, 21-22/10/2022). 

In addition, he attended the X National Palliative Care meeting , organized by the association Argentina de Medicina y Cuidados Paliativos, where he gave the talk 'Panorama de la research en Cuidados Paliativos'. (San Martín de los Andes, Argentina, 13-15/10/2022). 

Finally, he participated in the course "Deepening in the Palliative culture" organized by the association Iragarri in partnership of the UPV and the Diocese Pastoral Universitaria giving the discussion paper 'Palliative Care for all'. (Vitoria, Spain, 5/10/2022).

Maria Arantzamendi Solabarrieta collaborated as guest speaker in the course 'Methodology of qualitative research in Health Sciences' given by the department of health of the Government of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain, 3-19/10/2022).

He also attended as speaker the course 'Advanced International Palliative Care Course | 4th Edition' organized by the Hospital da Luz Lisboa to give two lectures: "Qualitative research, an added value in palliative care" and "Values and messages disseminated by palliative care teams". (Lisbon, Portugal 13-14/10/2022).

María López Aparicio attended the X conference of the Valencian Society of Palliative Medicine 'For High Quality Palliative Care' where he gave the masterful lecture "Palliative Care: Present, past and future. The example of St. Christopher Hospice". (Alicante, Spain, 7/10/2022). 


Public discourse 

Eleonora Esposito attended the 1st EIGE Gender Equality Forum to present his discussion paper "Combating Cyber Violence against Women and Girls". (Brussels, Belgium, 24-25/10/2022).

She also participated in the 1st International Seminar on Gender and Discourse (DISGEN 1), organized by the University of Valencia, with the communication "A Question of Power: For a Critical Multimodal Approach to Gender-based Cyber violence". (Valencia, Spain, 27-28/10/2022).

Pilar Gerns carried out a research stay at the University of Jyväskylä thanks to a scholarship of mobility Erasmus+ from training. (Jyväskylä , Finland, 1-14/10/2022).

Dámaso Izquierdo Alegría attended the congress "Hispanistika 30", organized by the University of Tartu, to give two talks: "Hacia una demolingüística del español en Estonia" and "L'évidentialité comme catégorie linguistique et son expression en français et en estonien". At the same University he participated in the 'Tüling talk series' with the seminar graduate "Trying to escape liability? The role of markers of epistemic modality and evidentiality in potentially defamatory texts in Spanish and French"(Tartu, Estonia, 18, 19 and 21/10/2022). 

He also collaborated in the VIII conference of teaching of Spanish as a foreign language language of the Latvian Academy of Culture where he gave a lecture and a session. First, the lecture entitled 'Is there a real correspondence between the levels of the PCIC and the materials of teaching and assessment in ELE? Comparative analysis in levels B1-B2 and C1-C2 applied to verbal periphrases and expressions of modality epistemical'. He then gave the session 'Antisemitism, COVID and fake news in social networks: deconstructing a successful fake news'. (Riga, Latvia, 13,15-16/10/2022).

Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality 

Alfonso Osorio de Rebellón participated in the II congress International Conference on Psychological and Human Sciences organized at the Universidad del Istmo. He gave two papers: "Lifestyles of adolescents: relationships, leisure, consumption. From risks to opportunities" and "Beyond the psyche: A philosophical vision of man within the work of the psychologist and psychopedagogue". (Fraijanes, Guatemala, 6-7/10/2022).

Carlos Beltramo Álvarez went to high school Larraona on the occasion of its 50th anniversary to give the lecture "statement of core values and Education of Character. Doing so much good...". (Pamplona, Spain, 10/24/2022). 

She also attended a course of the high school Superior of Religious Sciences "San Francisco Javier" and the Diocesan Foundation of Navarra for the Education and spoke about coeducation and equality in schools (Pamplona, Spain, 20/09-25/10/2022). 


José Manuel Muñoz gave a talk on "Brain and law: from neuro-optimism to neuro-prudence" at a lecture organized by the AJURIS School of Magistrates (Porto Alegre, Brazil, 10/21/2022). In addition, he gave the webinar for the Kamanau Foundation "Neuro-rights: what's new in the Americas?". 


Religion and Civil Society

Montserrat Herrero López y Jaume Aurell Cardona attended the symposium "Inventive Theology Rhetoric and the Politics of Believing". There, Herrero acted as moderator and gave the talk "Theopolitical Figures" at discussion paper . Aurell gave the talk "From Scriptures to Modern Historical Discipline: the Canon and its Counter-cultural Function" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 26-27/10/2022).

Juan Pablo Dominguez Fernández gave the talk "La leyenda de la España intolerante del siglo XIX" (The legend of the intolerant Spain of the 19th century) during the seminar Permanent Conference on Cultural History organized by the department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Universitat de València (Valencia, Spain, 14/10/2022).

David Thunder participated in the Second International congress Philosophy and City on Government and identity in Contemporary Urban Space at the University of development with the online discussion paper "How the Structure of Urban Spaces Can Foster Trust Between Citizens". (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 6/10/2022).

Raquel Cascales Tornel served as moderator and committee organizer of the 8th Iberian Aesthetics meeting dedicated to topic "Spaces and times in aesthetics and art" organized by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa with the partnership of the Spanish Society of Aesthetics and Theory of Arts (SEyTA). (Lisbon, Portugal, 27-29/10/2022). 

Álvaro Fernández de Córdova participated in three seminars. Within the seminar "Persecutori e perseguitati: storie di persecuzione religiosa in epoca moderna e contemporanea", organized by the Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, he gave the talks "Chiesa e Stato agli albori della modernità: prospettive e nuove interpretazioni del caso spagnolo all'inizio del XVI secolo" and "Judeo-Conversos e attività inquisitoriale tra Spagne e Italia: tensioni e adattamenti nello spazio mediterraneo (1492-1507)". The last seminar was "Pedro Mártir de Anglería y su mundo: la creación de un nuevo lenguaje cultural y político al servicio de la monarquía de los Reyes Católicos" organized by the Spanish School of History and Archaeology enunciated the talk "La etapa romana de Pietro Martire d'Anghiera: redes curiales y diplomáticas entre la península ibérica y la italiana (c.1478-1487)." (Rome, Italy, 6,11 and 20/10/2022). 

Raquel Lázaro Cantero attended the International conference "Montaigne and the Hispanic World" organized by the School of Philosophy and Sciences of the Education of the University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain, 20-21/10/2022).


Links, creativity and culture

Ana Marta González González participated in the lecture Kant's Cosmopolitan Normativity: Borders, Migration and Justice" at the Complutense University of Madrid. He offered the lecture "The Right to Dwell (Anywhere) on Earth and the Promise of Human Community" in panel 1: Some Challenges of Kant's International Political Order (Madrid, Spain, 24-26/10/2022). 

Alberto Nahum García attended the I International Conference on Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series at the School of Philology English and German at the University of Valencia where he gave the talk "Windows or Mirror? The battle for representation in cinema and series" (Valencia, Spain, 20/10/2022).


Chair Álvaro D'Ors

Rafael Domingo Oslé offered the seminar "Solidarity, Christianity, and Law" at the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University (Atlanta, USA, 12/1072022).



