17 | 11 | 2014
St. Teresa and the arts
Ricardo Fernández Gracia
Director of the Chair of Heritage and Art of Navarre of the University of Navarra.
Published in:Diario de Navarra
08 | 10 | 2014
When the light was made (blue)
Diego Maza Ozcoidi
Full Professor Physics Department of the department of Physics and Applied Mathematics of the School of Sciences of the University of Navarra.
11 | 11 | 2014
Teresa Romero's clear message. The blurred messages about the last Synod.
Rafael María Hernández Urigüen,
professor at ISSA and the School of Engineers - Tecnun
Published in:Palabra Magazine
25 | 10 | 2014
Humanizing the Economics
Ana Marta González
Scientific coordinator of Institute for Culture and Society. Professor of Philosophy Moral
06 | 10 | 2014
University and the common good. Pluralistic responsibility of all, including young people.
29 | 09 | 2014
Faced with the subculture of discarding: youth reception without limits
22 | 09 | 2014
University solidarity with life and with the poor: a yes to the culture of the poor. meeting
13 | 10 | 2014
Two hundred and seventy thousand with Excalibur: Teresa, alone, together with four thousand affected
20 | 10 | 2014
When will mercy be shown to children of divorce?
29 | 10 | 2014
Transparent consciences versus opaque cards